Hot Topic A Conversation with the Learning Technology Mentors
Ambition in Action Learning Technology Mentors Implementing a mentoring strategy for embedding technology
Ambition in Action Julie Collareda, L&I Learning Technology Mentors Facilitators Stephan Ridgway, L&IPaulis Cheung, L&IGerard Kell, L&I Paula Williams, WSI Jo Kay, eLearning Consultant Shirley Summers, St George Library Glen Cassidy, L&I
Ambition in Action Learning Technology Mentors
Ambition in Action INTRODUCTION /Program description and objectives /ICT Technologies covered /Program timeline /introducing the LTM's from each college & cluster /reflections on thier journey so far Topics:
Ambition in Action Program Description The LTM program focuses on building Institute wide staff capability to use and embed new technologies in teaching and learning. This will result in more flexibility and responsiveness to the needs of customers and students and enhance student engagement and personalised learning opportunities.
Ambition in Action Program Objectives /Better utilise existing technologies to enhance teaching & learning practice /Build institute staff capability to use these new technologies /Be more responsive and flexible in the delivery of services to customers and clients /Enhance student engagement and personalised learning opportunities /Create an institute wide network of Learning Technology Mentors (LTMs)
Ambition in Action ICT Technologies /Wireless and mobile technologies /Adobe Connect, an online synchronous communication platform /Learning management systems (Janison and Moodle) /Web 2.0 technologies such as wikis and blogs /Resource development kits (laptop, iPOD, digital camera, software: Adobe captivate, Photoshop, Premier Pro, Audition, iTunes) /Smartboards /eBeams, /video conferencing
Ambition in Action Program Timeline and Major Milestones: /Week June 16: Training LTMs /28 July: Mentoring starts /17 October: Mentoring concludes /27 October: Evaluation /7 November: Final report due Please refer to detailed program timeline on: ors
Ambition in Action Next Hot Topic: 23 July 2008 ICT Sustainability - moving to another level