Oxford Level Two Vocabulary


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Presentation transcript:

Oxford Level Two Vocabulary Chapter 17-33

Oxford Latin Course Chapter 17


Sum, esse, imperfect erat, fui I am

Supero, superare, superavi I overcome

Discedo, discedere, discessi I go away, depart

Lego, legere, legi I read

Credo, credere, credidi + dative I believe, trust

Promitto, promittere, promisi I promise

Efficio, efficere, effeci I effect, carry out


Hora, horae f. hour

Pecunia, pecuniae f. money

Divitiae, -arum f,. pl Riches, wealth

Candidatus, candidati m. candidate

Numerus, numeri m. number

Oratio, orationis f. Speech Orationem habḕre to make a speech

Vulnus, vulneris n. wound


Candidus, -a, -um white

Optimus, -a, -um best

Pessimus, -a, -um worst

Verus, -a, -um True Vera dicere to speak the truth

Gravis, grave Heavy, serious


deinde Then, next

enim for

igitur therefore

tamen However, but


cum when

Oxford Latin Course Chapter 18 Vocabulary


Absum, abesse, afui + ablative I am away from

Disco, discere, didici I learn

Fleo, flḕre, flevi I weep

Ineo, inire, inii I enter, begin

Transeo, transire, transii I cross

Studeo, studḕre, studui + dative I study

Valḕre iubeo I bid goodbye to

Vendo, vendere, vendidi I sell

Conspicio, conspicere, conspexi I catch sight of


Longus, longa, longum longe far


adhuc still

tam so


Sine + ablative without


Lacrima, lacrimae f. tear

Silva, silvae f. Woods, forest

Annus, anni m. year

Ignis, ignis m. fire

Iter, itineris n. journey

Tempus, temporis n. time

Ver, veris n. spring

Dies, diei m. day

Oxford 19 Vocabulary


Ago, agere, egi Do, drive, discuss, spend time

Claudo, claudere, clausi Shut, close

Aperio, aperire, aperui Open Apertus, -a, -um open


Aedificium, aedificii n. building

Vestimenta, vestimentorum n. Pl. clothes

Iuppiter, Iovis m. Jupiter


Altus, -a, -um High, deep

Confectus, a-, -um finished

Invitus, -a, -um unwilling

Medius,- a, -um middle

Sacer, sacra, sacrum sacred

Vacuus, -a, -um empty

Difficilis, difficile difficult


continuo Immediately, continuously

Huc…illuc This way and that Here…there

paene almost

ubique everywhere


Extra + accusative outside


ubi Where, when

Oxford 20 vocabulary


Appello, appellare, appellavi I call, I name

Recito, recitare, recitavi I recite, read aloud

Rideo, ridḗre, risi Laugh, smile

Induo, induere, indui Put on

Intellego, intellegere, intellexi I understand


Poeta, poetae m. poet

Gratiae, -arum f. thanks

Gratis ago plus dative I thank

Schola. –ae f. school

Discipulus, - i m. student

Liber, libri m. book

Gradus, gradus m. step

Manus, manus f. hand

Versus, versus m. verse

Vultus, vultus m. Face, expression

Adjectives and adverbs

Rectus, -a, -um straight

recte Rightly, correctly

Severus, -a, -um severe

Facilis, facile easy

facile easily

Oxford Chapter 21 Vocabulary


Salve, salvete! greeting

Sino, sinere, sivi I allow

Viso, visere, visi visit

Conficio, conficere, confeci finish

Intersum, interesse, interfui + dative I am among, I take part in


Clarus, clara, clarum Clear, bright

Ingeniosus, -a, -um Talented, clever

Latus, lata, latum Wide, broad


praeterea moreover


Aliquis, aliquid Someone, something


Epistola, -ae f. letter

Dominus, -i m. master

Atrium, atrii n, hall

Ingenium, ingenii n. Character, talents

Studium, studii n. Study, eagerness, pursuit

Tablinum, tablini n. Office, study

Aedes, aedium f. pl house

Orator, oratoris m. Orator, speaker

Soror, sororis f. sister

Dies, diei m. day

Meridies, meridiei m. midday

Cotidie ( adverb) Every day

Res, rei f. Thing, matter, property, affair, event

Respublica, reipublicae f. The republic

Re vera In truth, in fact, really

Spes, spei f. hope

Oxford Ch. 22 Vocabulary


Spero, sperare, speravi hope

Volo, volare, volavi fly

Faveo, favḕre, favi + dative Favor, support

Pareo, parḕre, parui + dative obey

Frango, frangere, fregi break

Perdo, perdere, perdidi Lose, destroy

Rapio, rapere, rapui Snatch, steal


quo Where to


Turba, turbae f. crowd

Ludi, ludorum m. pl The games

Signum, signi n. Sign, signal

Vesper, vesperis m. evenings

Casus, casus m. Mishap, misfortune, disaster

Currus, currus m. chariot

Cursus, cursus m. Running, course


Contentus, -a, -um content

Fractus, fracta, fractum broken

Maximus,maxima, maximum Greatest, very great

Plurimus, -a, -um Very many

Nobilis, nobile Noble, famous

Talis, tale such

Vetus, veteris old

Oxford Chapter 23 Vocabulary


Retineo, retinḕre, retinui Hold back

Refero, referre rettuli Bring back, carry back, report

Insum, inesse, infui I am in, I am among

Malo, malle, malui prefer


paulisper For a little, gradually

unde Whence, from where

undique From all sides


Mora, morae f delay

Nimium, nimii n. + genitive Too much

Balnea, balneorum n. pl baths

Anxietas, anxietatis f. anxiety

Celeritas, celeritatis f. speed


Aeger, aegra, aegrum Sick, ill

Oxford Chapter 24 Vocabulary


Numero, numerare, numeravi count

Caveo, cavḕre, cavi Beware of

Praetereo, praeterire, praeterii Go past, pass

Provideo, providḕre, provīdi foresee

Veho, vehere, vexi carry

Fio, fieri become


denique Finally, at last

magnopere greatly

quam than


Superbus, superba, superbum proud

Crudelis, crudele cruel

Ferox, ferocis fierce


quamquam although


Victoria, victoriae f. victory

Praemium, praemii n. reward

Cliens, clientis m. Client, dependant

Ordo, ordinis m. Rank, line, order

Spectator, spectatoris m.

Genus, generis n. Race, kind, sort

Spectaculum, spectaculi n. show

Conspectus, conspectus m. sight

Oxford Chapter 24 Vocabulary


Numero, numerare, numeravi count

Caveo, cavḕre, cavi Beware of

Praetereo, praeterire, praeterii Go past, pass

Provideo, providḕre, provīdi foresee

Veho, vehere, vexi carry

Fio, fieri become


denique Finally, at last

magnopere greatly

quam than


Superbus, superba, superbum proud

Crudelis, crudele cruel

Ferox, ferocis fierce


quamquam although


Victoria, victoriae f. victory

Praemium, praemii n. reward

Cliens, clientis m. Client, dependant

Ordo, ordinis m. Rank, line, order

Spectator, spectatoris m.

Genus, generis n. Race, kind, sort

Spectaculum, spectaculi n. show

Conspectus, conspectus m. sight

Oxford Chapter 25


Luceo, lucḕre, luxi shine

Sumo, sumere, sumpsi Take up, put on


Diligentia, diligentiae f. Care, diligence

Litterae, litterarum f. Letters, literature

Campus, campi m. Plain, field

Facilitas, facilitatis f. Ease, facility

Lex, legis f. law

Multitudo, multitudinis f. Multitude, crowd

Ius, iuris n. Right, justice

Tumultus, tumultus m. Riot, uproar


Brevis, breve short

Insignis, insigne Outstanding, distinguished

Puerilis, puerile Of boys, childish

Virilis, virile Of men, manly

Toga virilis Toga of manhood

Quam with superlative As possible

Oxford Chapter 26 Vocabulary


Ardeo, ardēre, arsi Burn, be on fire

Accidit, accidere, accidit happen

Ferio, ferire strike

Pervenio, pervenire, pervēni Arrive, reach


num Surely not?

Satis + genitive enough


Pro + ablative In front of, on behalf of, for


Causa, causae f. Cause, reason

Gladius, gladii m. sword

Tyrannus, tyranni m. tyrant

Theatrum, theatri n. theatre

Pars, partis f. part

Timor, timoris m. fear

Caput, capitis n. head


Armatus, armata, armatum armed

Quantus, quanta, quantum How great?

Ultimus, ultima, ultimum Furthest, last

Oxford Chapter 27 Vocabulary


Vexo, vexare, vexavi Worry, annoy

Augeo, augēre, auxi increase

Accendo, accendere, accendi Set fire to

Colligo, colligere, collegi Gather, collect

Ruo, ruere, rui rush


Benignus,-a, -um kind

Plenus, -a, -um Full, full of

Scelestus, -a, -um Wicked, criminal

Ullus, -a, -um any

Civilis, civile Civil, of citizens

Prudens, prudentis Prudent, sensible, wise


Philosophia, -ae f. philosophy

Exitium, -I n. Destruction, death

Imperium Romanum n. The Roman Empire

Otium, otii n. leisure

Orbis,orbis m. Circle, globe Orbis terrarum the globe, the world

Potestas, potestatis f. power

Portus, portus m. port

cras tomorrow

ergo And so, therefore

mane Early, in the morning

Oxford Chapter 28 vocabulary


Cresco, crescere, crevi Grow, increase

Edo, ḕsse, edi eat

Solvo, solvere, solvi Loose, loosen, untie, cast off


Luna, lunae f. moon

Argentum, argenti n. Silver, money

Nubes, nubis f. cloud

Viator, viatoris m. traveler


Dexter, dextra, dextrum Right Dextrā (manu) on the right (hand)

Sinister, sinstra, sinistrum Left Sinistrā (manu) on the left hand

Reliquus, -a, -um remaining

Vivus,-a, -um living


inde Thence, from there

Cum primum As soon as

Oxford Chapter 29 Vocabulary


Condo, condere, condidi Found, establish

Confido, confidere plus dative trust


Scholam habeo I give a lecture

Vita, vitae f. life

Negotium, negotii n. business

Adventus, adventus m. arrival


Doctus,-a, -um Learned, educated

Gratus, -a, -um Pleasing, welcome, grateful

Humanus, -a, -um Human, humane, kind

Iucundus, -a, -um Pleasant, delightful

Dulcis, dulce sweet


libenter gladly

quando when


Alter, altera, alterum One or the other (of two); the second

Uter, utra, utrum Which ( of two) Utrum…an? Whether or

Quisquam, quicquam Anyone, anything (after a negative)


Propter + accusative On account of, because of

Super + accusative Above, over


nisi Unless, except

ut As, when

sicut Just as, like

Oxford Chapter 30 Vocabulary


Delecto, delectare, delectavi, delectatum Please, delight

Supplico, supplicare, supplicavi, supplicatum + dative Pray to, beg

Arcesso, arcessere, arcessivi, arcessitum summon

Me gero I behave myself

Rem gero I conduct a matter

Nubo, nubere, nupsi, nuptum plus dative I marry

Tollo, tollere, sustuli, sublatum Raise, lift

Pereo, perire, perii peritum Perish, die

Sentio, sentire, sensi, sensum Feel, realize


heri yesterday

nuper lately


Nuptiae, nuptiarum f. wedding

Chorus, chori m. chorus

Donum, doni n. gift

Limen, liminis n. threshold

Lumen, luminis n. light

Mos, moris m. Custom Mos maiorum the customs of our ancestors

Sol, solis m. sun


Nuptialis, nuptiale Of a wedding, nuptial

Aequus, -a, -um Equal, fair, level Aeque equally, fairly

Antiquus, -a, -um Old, ancient

Dubius, -a, -um Doubtful Sine dubio without a doubt

Dives, divitis rich

Potens, potentis powerful

Oxford Chapter 31 Vocabulary


Milito, militare,militavi, militatum Campaign, serve as a soldier, serve in the military

Valeo, valḕre, valui, valitum Be strong, be well

Dissero, disserere, disserui, dissertum discuss

Expello, expellere, expuli, expulsum Drive out

Opprimo, opprimere, oppresi, oppressum


Officium, officii n. duty

Eques, equitis m. Horseman Equites, equitum m. pl. cavalry

Finis, finis m. End, finish Fines, finium boundaries, territory

Libertas, libertatis f. Liberty, freedom


Īdem, eadem, idem The same

Nonnulli, -ae, -a Some, several

Hilaris, hilare cheerful

Immortalis, immortale immortal

Senior, senioris older

Vehemens, vehementis violent

Oxford Chapter 32 Vocabulary


Comparo, comparare, comparavi, comparatum Acquire, get

Occupo, occupare, occupavi, occupatum Seize, occupy

Cogo, cogere, coegi, coactum compel

Consisto, consistere, constiti, constitum Halt, stand still

Divido, dividere, divīdi, divisum

Everto, evertere, everti, eversum overturn

Corripio, corripere, corripui, correptum Seize, steal

Praeficio, praeficere, praefeci, praefectum Put x (acc) in command of y(dative)

Recipio, recipere, recepi, receptum Take back

Me recipio, recipere, recepi, receptum Take myself back, retreat

Praesum, praeesse, praefui + dative Be in command of


Bona, bonorum n. Goods, possessions

Copiae, copiarum f. Forces, troops

Villa, villae f. Villa, country home

Legatus, legati m. Deputy, officer, envoy

Ferrum, ferri n. Sword, iron

Partes, patrium f. Political party


tot So many (indeclinable)

Adversus, adversa, adversum Contrary, opposed


totiens So often

clam secretly


atque and

Oxford Chapter 33 vocabulary


Adiuvo, adiuavare, adiuvi, adiutum help

Administro, administrare, administravi, administratum Manage, administer

Immineo, imminēre + dative Hang over, threaten

Valeo, valēre, valui, valitum Be strong, be well

Committo, committere, commisi, commissum entrust

Aliquem certiorem facio I make someone certain


Cautus, -a, -um cautious

Certus,-a, -um Certain, resolved

Honestus, -a, -um honorable

Otiosus, -a, -um At leisure, idle

Sollicitus, -a, -um anxious


Filiolus, -i m. Little son

Dolor, doloris m. Pain, grief

Infans, infantis c. baby

Mensis, mensis m. month