SkillsUSA Medical Science & HOSA Meeting #3October 4 pm October 7:30
Competition Dates Skills February Beaumont March 30-April 2- Corpus Christi HOSA Online testing is Dec. 9-11th February Pasadena April Galveston
Membership Fees The deadline for HOSA is Oct. 27th!!! SkillsUSA: Are due December 2nd!! -cash in a labeled envelope -check must have TDL, DOB, and Cell #
Skills Shirts T-Shirt Time!! We Need to create T-Shirts so we can wear them and represent SkillsUSA Medical Science!! Share your designs with the Skill Officers or Sponsors!!
T-Shirts (HOSA) HOSA: Shirts already available (same as last year) $15 SUPER AWESOME T-SHIRT!!
Parent Permission Slip -Will be posted on classroom -Please print at home and get it signed
Trunk or Treat Is this saturday!!!! 10/24 -Will be cancelled if raining heavily - Everyone who comes needs to bring a bag of candy -Dress in a fun Costume