Iraq is near Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Syria on the West. Turkey on the North Here is a map of Iraq! Iran on the East Kuwait on the South
Latitude: Longitude: Iraqis rely mainly on animals for their transportation. Iraq receives very little rain and it is semiarid in the northeastern part of Iraq and tropical in the desert.
Babylon became the ascendant power in Mesopotamia in the 18 th century B.C. Iraq was the area of many great sites that flourished thousands of years ago. The Sumerians are said to have invented cuneiform, a picture based development of language. All we know, is that cuneiform was already in existence by the 4 th millennium B.C.
The ruins of the city, Asher, is located on the Tigris river in Iraq. From the 14 th to the 9 th century, B.C, it was a religious temple of the Assyrian Empire. (Asher Ruins.)
Iraq is a developing country. Here are 5 major reasons why Iraq is developing. # % of people are in the age range of #2 For every 1,000 babies born, on average, only die. That puts Iraq in the almost-developed range. #3 Iraq is very oil rich country. They own over 115 billion barrels!
#4 Over 50% of people have cars, but mainly Iraqis rely on animals for movement. #5 333 people have T.V’s per 1,000. Here is an Iraqi bill! On average, the working person earns about $4,000 dollars. The U.S has a larger GDP of 48 thousand.
In Iraq, they have a bill of rights stating that everyone would have religious expression, freedom of speech and more. Like any government, those rules aren’t always followed but at least Saddam Hussein is not terrorizing Iraq anymore. “Ghazi Ajil al-Yawer, one of Iraq’s most powerful tribes, plays a huge role in government and politics and is currently in control.
Iraq’s current President is, Jalal Talabani. Iraq’s current Prime Minister is, Iyad Allawi. Here is a picture of Iyad Allawi.
Here is a graph of Iraq’s main religions: Shi’a Muslim, Sunni Muslim, Christian and other. Iraq’s most commonly spoken languages are, Arabic, Kurdish, Turkoman, Assyrian, and Armenian. Ramadan is a common holiday.
Iraqis usually dress in cool light shaded clothing because of the warm weather. They wear long clothing. Here is a photo of Muslims entering a mosque.
Iraq has a population of 27.5 million people and it’s growth rate is 2.6 percent annually. The average life span for women is 71 years and 68 years for men. An Iraqi girl learning to read………………… The literacy rate has increased dramatically since To be exact, 74.1 percent of people can read.
Soccer is a very popular sport in Iraq. For children there aren’t many extra curricular activities. In Iraq, High school, is called, “secondary school.” Iraqis go to amusement parks on holidays. Iraqi girls- If you lived in Iraq, you would most likely be eating, cheese, tea, bread and eggs for breakfast.
"Iraq." CultureGrams World Edition ProQuest. 3 Mar Randall, John R. "Iraq." Reviewed by Arthur Campbell Turner. The New Book of Knowledge® Grolier Online. 2 Mar