LEBANON By: Kate Horner Maryanne Pevtsov Period 7 AP World History
Grabber Lebanon, the country, was occupied by over 16 countries: Egyptians-Hittites-Assyrians- Babylonians- Persians- Alexander the greats Army- the Roman Empire Byzantine- the Arabian Peninsula-The Crusaders- Ottoman Empire- Britain-France- Israel- Syria.
Thesis Throughout the vast majority of history, the Lebanese people were not in control of their own country. Control was passed down from Mediterranean power to Mediterranean power. Because of this, Lebanon is surprisingly diverse and has many connections across Europe as well as through the Middle East and into Asia.
Overview Geography Ancient History Roman Empire Arab Rule Abbasid Rule Crusades Mamluks Ottoman Empire Post WWI Present Day
Ancient History Earliest evidence in Byblos, Phoenicia Before 5,000 BC oldest continuously inhabited city Neolithic & Chalcolithic fishing communities Phoenicians Persians Macedonians Alexander the Great (333 BC) Roman/Byzantine Empire (64 BC- 600 AD)
Roman Empire 64 BC- 390AD Maronite Christianity Maronite Catholic Urbanized by exporting goods to Rome Exported cedar, perfume, jewelry AD- Byzantine Empire
Arab Rule AD Multicultural Lebanon Arab Muawyah - governor of Syria, tried to take over Couldn’t fight in mountains captured places along the coast Adopted a lot of Arab culture
Abbasids AD Rebellion of the Lebanese mountaineers in 759 AD Qusta ibn Luqa 820–912 AD physician, scientist and translator Translated Greek Arab
Crusades AD Divided Lebanon between two crusader kingdoms Tripoli and Jerusalem Gave strength to Maronite Christians Enters a union w/ church of Rome Beaufort Castle Hilltop strategic position Given to Crusaders in 1240
Mamluks AD Slaves from Caucasus Mountains Al Ashraf Musa assassinated sultan took control Fought Crusaders & Mongols Shia Muslims & Druzes rebelled Crushed by Mamluks Moved south to avoid massacre TRADE
Ottoman Empire AD
Ottoman Empire Fakhr EdDine – Lebanese prince Formed army to challenge Ottomans Defeated army of Mustafa Pasha Ottomans feared Lebanese progress 1635 executed EdDine Divided Lebanon into districts Conflict between Druze & Christians Europeans arrive regional independence French St. Joseph’s University
World War I AD Ottomans appointed Turk ruler over Lebanon Lebanese refused occupation Turks response: Commandeered food supplies Famine & plagues lost 1/3 of population Cut down more than ½ of forests for military fuel Executed Lebanese leaders “anti-Turkish activities” September 1918: relieved by British
Post World War I French given mandate Present day borders established Constitution modeled after French 1941 granted independence French exercised authority 1943 constitution amended end of mandate French help Build economy & social systems Developed network of roads
Discord Begins decades of prosperity Free-market economy Tourism, agriculture, education, democracy “Switzerland of the East” 1948 first Arab-Israeli war 150,000 Palestinian refugees Lebanon Six-Day War of 1967 – remained neutral Between Arab countries & Israel Another wave of refugees
Civil War Palestinian refugees = 10% of population 400,000 came from Jordan after being evicted by King Hussein during Black September in Jordan and Arab-Israeli war Palestinian Liberation Organization Alliances Betrayal 100,000 killed 100,000 handicapped Ta'if Agreement of 1989
Modern Day - Government Republic Executive- president (Michel Suleiman), prime minister (Najib Mikati), and cabinet Legislative- national assembly Judicial- 4 Courts of Cassation, Constitutional Council, Supreme Council.
Modern Day - People Arab + European due to France connection Europe’s gateway to Asia Languages: Arabic (official) French English Armenian Ethnicity: 95% Arabic 4% Armenian 1% other
Modern Day - Trade Exports: Jewelry Electrical equipment Base metals Paper Imports: Mineral products Medicine Clothing Tobacco with Switzerland, China, Italy, USA, France
Concluding Overview 5000 BC- Byblos 64 BC-Roman 390 AD-Byzantine 646 BC-Arab Rule 750-Abbasids 1095-Crusades 1282-Mamluks 1516-Ottoman Rule 1943-INDEPENDENCE 1975-Civil War
Conclusion Lebanon tried for its freedom throughout almost all of history, and was denied it by one great civilization after another, starting with mainly Arabs and transferring to Europe, particularly France. Now that its freedom has been granted, it still fights to recognize itself as an independent nation free of surrounding conflicts.
Quiz Where did the Mamluks come from? A: Caucasus Mountains
Quiz What religion was in conflicts with the Christians during the Ottoman Empire A: Druze
Quiz When did the Lebanese Civil War start? A: 1975
Quiz What was the earliest recorded city in Lebanon? A: Byblos
Quiz What empire ruled Lebanon before their independence? A: Ottoman Empire
Quiz Name one Crusader Kingdom. A: Tripoli or Jerusalem
Bibliography ab_rule#Mamluks.2C_ ab_rule#Mamluks.2C_ toman_rule toman_rule culture/people.html culture/people.html of%20the%20Palestinian-Israeli%20conflict.htm of%20the%20Palestinian-Israeli%20conflict.htm