Publish your Data on the Tropical Data Hub Seeding the Commons Project Australian National Data Service e-Research Centre James Cook University This work by Haidi Beard, eResearch Centre, James Cook University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License.Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License
Data and Data Management The amount of digital data being created and gathered by researchers is increasing rapidly. Growing recognition by researchers, their employers and their funders of the potential value in making new data: 1.available for sharing, 2.and in curating data for re-use in the long term.
Data management includes all activities associated with data other than the direct use of the data. It may include: – data organisation; – backups; – archiving data for long-term preservation; – data sharing or publishing; – ensuring security of confidential data; and – data synchronisation. What is Data Management?
“The ARC strongly encourages publication in publicly accessible outlets and the depositing of data and any publications arising from a Project in an appropriate subject and/or institutional repository".” (2012, Discovery Project Funding Agreement). Australian Research Council
What is open data? Making government funded research available to others Why should people publish data? Increase discoverability Re-use Cite data Curation Collaboration Purpose of Publishing Data
Seeding the Commons Project This project is supported by the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Program and the Education Investment Fund (EIF) Super Science Initiative and James Cook University. ANDS is building the Australian Research Data Commons: a cohesive collection of research resources from all research institutions, to make better use of Australia’s research outputs.
Research Data Australia Research Data Australia is a web portal for profiling research activity in Australia and is a platform for connecting researchers with research data so as to promote data sharing and re-use. The service provides information to link you to the data and/or the conditions under which you may grant access to the data.
eResearch Current Projects Tropical Data Hub portal interface Seeding the Commons Data capture Applications
What’s in it for me? Increase your research profile globally. What do I have to do? …… NOT A LOT! Why Publish Data on the TDH?
Good data management practices lead to improvements in efficiency, protection, quality and exposure. Data Citation! Scopus and Web of knowledge. The Carrot....
Basic data management is required by JCU and the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.... and the Stick!
If a researcher has data on an external drive and nobody is aware that it exists, then other researchers will potentially gather the same data again!... A waste of money and time. What if your device crashes and you lose all your material!! Examples
We can assist you with Creating citable profiles for your research datasets that will be discoverable on the web. Information on data archiving and storage for current and completed research projects. Support for publishing supplementary datasets underpinning your journal articles and scholarly publications. Information about data management planning for data re-use and sharing.
Contact Details The project team is keen to meet with researchers who are interested in promoting their research, archiving research data or who would like assistance publishing datasets to supplement journal publications. Contact Haidi Beard or Marianne Brown in the eResearch Centre, James Cook University, Townsville.