Denver Section Electronic Communication Tools Tips and Tricks Jim Look – Denver Section Denver Section Electronic Communication Tools Tips and Tricks Jim Look – Denver Section
Electronic Communication Tools l SAMIEEE (IEEE Membership Database) l CVent (Event Management Tool) l E-Notice (IEEE Broadcast Tool) l Goozmo (Web Page Host for )
SAMIEEE Siebel Analytics
What is SAMIEEE l IEEE member database l Contains data from member renewal forms and on-line updates l Extremely Useful information l Member number l l Phone numbers l Society and publication memberships l Grade codes l Recently migrated to Siebel Analytics l IEEE member database l Contains data from member renewal forms and on-line updates l Extremely Useful information l Member number l l Phone numbers l Society and publication memberships l Grade codes l Recently migrated to Siebel Analytics
Why is SAMIEE Useful l Current contact information l Targeted communications l Members of Society or Section l New members l Identify new members or non-renewals l Improve your communications to your members l Current contact information l Targeted communications l Members of Society or Section l New members l Identify new members or non-renewals l Improve your communications to your members
SAMIEE (Siebel) l Available to IEEE Officers Only l Login: l Username: [Your IEEE Web Account] l Password: [Your Password] l Training and Materials Available Online
How do I Access? l Online application through the IEEE website l Must have user ID and password l Check MyIEEE for your status l Access is restricted by position and organization l Access is automatic – through officer confirmation reporting system l Online application through the IEEE website l Must have user ID and password l Check MyIEEE for your status l Access is restricted by position and organization l Access is automatic – through officer confirmation reporting system
SAMIEE (Siebel)
SAMIEE (Siebel)
How Do I Get the Data Out? l Searches may take a long time (30 sec. to 45 minutes) l Generate complex tables and graphs l Download to XLS, CSV or HTML l Searches may take a long time (30 sec. to 45 minutes) l Generate complex tables and graphs l Download to XLS, CSV or HTML
Rules for Use l For use only by IEEE Members, Officers and Committee members l Member information may not be furnished, with or without compensation, to outside entities l Cannot be used by IEEE members for other than approved IEEE business. l For use only by IEEE Members, Officers and Committee members l Member information may not be furnished, with or without compensation, to outside entities l Cannot be used by IEEE members for other than approved IEEE business.
Tips and Caveats l IEEE member number is always 8 digits l Pad with leading zeros if necessary l Use Geographic codes for Sections and Subsections l System not available on Tuesdays l Filter for do-not-contact flags l IEEE member number is always 8 digits l Pad with leading zeros if necessary l Use Geographic codes for Sections and Subsections l System not available on Tuesdays l Filter for do-not-contact flags
CVentCVent l Integrated event management tool l Multi-tracks l Structured admission fees l Available under Denver Section contract l Send invitations via (text or HTML) l Track responses, payments, reservations and wait lists l Automatic responses l Confirmations l Reminders l Integrated event management tool l Multi-tracks l Structured admission fees l Available under Denver Section contract l Send invitations via (text or HTML) l Track responses, payments, reservations and wait lists l Automatic responses l Confirmations l Reminders
CVentCVent l Collect money via credit cards l Generates attendance lists, name badges and payment status l Post-event surveys l Powerful and very complex l Collect money via credit cards l Generates attendance lists, name badges and payment status l Post-event surveys l Powerful and very complex
CVent l CVent Contact Database: l Contains IEEE-Denver Members l Periodically Updated with IEEE Denver Section Database (SAMIEEE) l Materials and Guides Available On-Line l Login l Account: IEEECO001 l Username: IEEEDENVER l Password: (contact Rick Robinson)
IEEE E-Notice
IEEE e-Notice l Announcement Tool l Provided by IEEE l Login: None l IEEE address must be registered l Guidance: Create Your Announcement via an HTML editor (e.g. NVU) and paste HTML into form l Do Not Use MS Word as an HTML editor l Use NotePad
IEEE e-Notice E-notice
IEEE e-Notice l Acceptable uses Acceptable uses Acceptable uses l Acceptable uses Acceptable uses Acceptable uses
Goozmo Website Management l Website design, support and hosting l Denver Section has contract with Goozmo Systems l Available to all Societies at no cost l Also may be linked to external sites l Each Society has unique USERID and password l Access through l Website design, support and hosting l Denver Section has contract with Goozmo Systems l Available to all Societies at no cost l Also may be linked to external sites l Each Society has unique USERID and password l Access through
GoozmoGoozmo Goozmo
Additional Training l Detailed Training to be provided by IEEE-Denver via web-conference (February) l Look for CVent invite or send to secretary(AT) if you are interested l Check websites for tutorials and documentation l Detailed Training to be provided by IEEE-Denver via web-conference (February) l Look for CVent invite or send to secretary(AT) if you are interested l Check websites for tutorials and documentation
SAMIEEE, e-Notice, Goozmo, CVent Tools IEEE-Denver 2008 Society Officer and Member Training Jim Look (Jim.Look(AT) Chair-Elect, IEEE Denver Rick Robinson (rrobinson256(AT) Secretary, IEEE Denver (secretary(AT)