DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSTICS HYPOGLYCEMIC AND KETONEMICHESKA KOMYKETONEMICHESKA OF THE COMA SignsKetonemichesky coma Hypoglycemic coma Speed of increase of symptoms Gradually, for some days Quickly, in some clocks Acetone smellThe sharpNo RespirationNoisy, like Kussmaul Normal, sometimes the surface SkinDry, the turgor is loweredThe wet, a turgor in norm LanguageDry, with a raidThe wet Tone of eyeglobesIt is loweredThe normal Tendinous reflexesAre lowered or are notThe normal PulsedefinedThe variable Arterial pressureThe frequentThe normal Sugar in urineIt is loweredNo Ketone bodies in bloodIn a great manyThe normal Blood leukocytesIn a great manyThe normal
Clinical classification of a diabetes mellitus of pregnant women: 1. Apparent Diabetum of pregnant women. 1 severity: glucose level on an empty stomach no more than 7.7 mmol/l of a ketosis is not present normalization of a hyperglycemia is reached by a diet 2 severity: glucose level on an empty stomach no more than mmol/l of a ketosis is not present or it is eliminated with a diet 3 severity: glucose level on an empty stomach more than mmol/l tendency to development of a ketosis of an angiopatiya 2. Transitional Diabetum of pregnant women. Signs of a diabetes mellitus exist only during pregnancy, disappear after the delivery. This form makes 50% of all cases of Diabetum of pregnant women. 3. Latent (subclinical) Diabetum. The diagnosis is established on the changed glucose tolerance test. 4. The menacing Diabetum of pregnant women. - the women having patients with Diabetum of parents or the close relatives - the women who gave birth to children weight more 4.500g groups of risk - the woman with excess body weight - women with a glucosuria
CLINIC of the DIABETES MELLITUS AT PREGNANT WOMEN: dryness in a mouth, thirst, a polyuria, the increased appetite, decrease of body weight, the common weakness, a skin itch, especially in external genitals, a pyorrhea, a furunculosis COMPLICATIONS of the DIABETES MELLITUS: - a diabetic (ketonemichesky) coma - a hypoglycemic coma