Some End of Mission Comments Tempest Express 11 Singapore
International Operations ► Threats are now global as well as regional ► Greater need for Disaster Response operations ► Ad hoc Coalitions of the willing are inherently complex, weaker than national commands ► Lead nation and standing coalitions are more able but still very complex ► It is difficult but essential to maintain cohesion, mission consensus in both ► Coalition Command authority is inherently challenging ‘Unity of Effort’, ‘Unity of Result’ is the goal
Unified Action ► Means working with all the components, military, civilian, governmental to: -- Understand the environment, common vision and mission objectives -- Agree the desired outcomes (effects) -- Create synergy through integrated planning and unity -- Create synergy through integrated planning and unity -- Synchronize capabilities and actions to achieve the objectives -- Train and learn before the fight!
Integrated Strategy Model UNSC Mandate Political Plan Force Cmd Plan HR/EC Plan Integrated Strategy
Principle 1: Objective ► Realistic Mandate ► Clearly define “the problem” - military tasks ► Achieve a common understanding (to include robust ROE) ► Be sensitive to regional/ domestic implications of plans ► Anticipate shifting objectives and tasks ► Build the team
► Clearly defined endstate ► Integrated planning creates synergy -- inclusiveness ► Need for shared vision -- consensus ► Agreed command authority? ► Mechanism to resolve national differences ► Build the team! Principle 2: Unity of Effort
Principle 3: Economy of Force ► Task-to-Force analysis ► Identify key capabilities ► Ability to attract/sustain contributors ► Anticipate “work-arounds” for shortages ► Civil Military cooperation ► Setting expectations - in country and internationally ► Share information and skills ► Train and learn before the mission!
The Commander’s Skill Set ► Leader competency ► Courage and character ► Vision and guidance ► Interpersonal skills -- personal relationships count ► A patient communicator ► A team builder – cohesion and consensus –atmosphere of trust and confidence ► A “commander’s” commander ► Adaptive command style – mission type orders when possible – a reasonable risk taker ► Inclusiveness, discussion, guidance – not by dictate ► Understands the multinational environment and stakeholders in the mission area ► Comfortable with concept of ‘unity of effort’ and ‘unity of result’
At The National Level ► Continue to work the tough task of ‘jointness‘ ► the important role of Information Operations Understand ► Train for participation in regional coalitions ► Work out info/intel sharing arrangements with friendly nations – Commonly acceptable ROE too. ► Establish PO training centers for leaders and soldiers ► Stay committed to training internationally like this! ► Understand and work on the role of the civil military relationship in a democracy