Ryan Bibby 10/10/2014 Slide. 1 Graphics Software Project 1 | Assignment 2 | Ryan Bibby
Ryan Bibby 10/10/2014 Slide. 2 WHAT WILL I BE DISCUSSING TODAY? What is Graphics Software? Bitmap Images Vector Images Bitmap vs. Vector Photo Manipulation Software File Handling
Ryan Bibby 10/10/2014 Slide. 3 WHAT IS GRAPHICS SOFTWARE? Program or collection of programs Allows the user to modify digital images 2 types of software – bitmap and vector
Ryan Bibby 10/10/2014 Slide. 4 BITMAP IMAGES Based on a grid of pixels Each pixel represents a different colour Resolution dependent – quality reduces when resized Easily converted Minimal support for transparency Known as raster images
Ryan Bibby 10/10/2014 Slide. 5 VECTOR IMAGES Images are made from objects Objects can be recoloured, resized and reshaped Based on mathematical equations Resolution independent – scalable
Ryan Bibby 10/10/2014 Slide. 6 BITMAP VS. VECTOR BitmapVector Large File SizeSmall File Size Non ScalableScalable Edit by pixelsEdited by objects PhotographsCartoon Images Less processing powerMore processing power
Ryan Bibby 10/10/2014 Slide. 7 TYPES OF SOFTWARE Bitmap: Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.net, Paint Vector: Illustrator, Inkscape
Ryan Bibby 10/10/2014 Slide. 8 ADOBE PHOTOSHOP (CC/CS6) Expensive Industry Standard.psd Filters, Custom Brushes, Layers, Layer Styles, Plugins Adobe Bridge compatibility Mac & Windows only.raw image support
Ryan Bibby 10/10/2014 Slide. 9 GIMP Free & Open Source Mac, Windows & Linux Compatible Layers, Layer Styles, Custom Brushes, Bulk Actions.xcf No support for.raw images
Ryan Bibby 10/10/2014 Slide. 10 ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR (CC/CS6) Expensive Industry Standard.ai Adobe Bridge Compatibility – Some compatibility with Inkscape Windows & Mac Only Layers, Custom Brushes, Live Trace
Ryan Bibby 10/10/2014 Slide. 11 INKSCAPE Free and Open Source Runs on Windows, Mac and Linux Eventual Goal: Full support for SVG 1.1 Paths, Shapes & Text No Live Trace Wide range of file types
Ryan Bibby 10/10/2014 Slide. 12 FILE HANDLING File types and their uses File sizes Compression Format conversion File management
Ryan Bibby 10/10/2014 Slide. 13 OTHER GRAPHIC UTILITIES Small edits from mobile devices Designed to be shared socially Instagram – Based mainly on filters Snapchat – Based on captions and overlaid drawings
Ryan Bibby 10/10/2014 Slide. 14 Thank you for listening Has anybody got any questions?