Lecture number 12 Topic: Basic rights, freedoms and duties of man and citizens in the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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Presentation transcript:

Lecture number 12 Topic: Basic rights, freedoms and duties of man and citizens in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan has the following main features: it is equal for all, regardless of the basis of acquisition equality of citizens of the Republic is provided in all areas of political, economic and cultural life Citizens of the Republic shall be equal before the law regardless of their origin, social status, race, nationality, sex, education, language, religion, political or other opinion, type of occupation and other circumstances for persons who are citizens of the Republic is not recognized as belonging to the citizenship of another state, ie, dual citizenship

* Citizenship of the Republic is regulated by the Constitution and the Law on Citizenship, adopted on 2 July 1992 by the Supreme Council of the Republic and published in accordance with other regulations.

* In accordance with the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan citizens of Uzbekistan are: * - All persons who, on the day of entry into force of the law of the nationality of the Republic, were not citizens of other States, and expressed a desire to remain a citizen of Uzbekistan; * - Persons who have taken the citizenship of Uzbekistan; * - Persons working for state direction, to perform military service or a student outside the Republic, provided that they were born or have proved that resided on its territory, not are citizens of other countries and not later than June 1993 expressed a desire to become citizens of Uzbekistan.

In accordance with the Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan citizens of Uzbekistan are: all persons who, on the coming into force of the law of the nationality of the Republic, were not citizens of other States, and expressed a desire to remain a citizen of Uzbekistan persons working under the direction of the state, to perform military service or studying outside the Republic, provided that they were born or have proved that resided on its territory, not are citizens of other countries and not later than June 1993 expressed a desire to become citizens of Uzbekistan persons who were naturalized Uzbekistan

citizenship is acquired by birth as a result of admission to citizenship Uzbekistan on the grounds provided by international treaties of the Republic on other grounds, provided law

Foreign citizens and stateless persons may, upon application, be granted citizenship of Uzbekistan provided renunciation of foreign citizenship permanent residence in the Republic in the last 5 years there are legitimate sources of income recognition and enforcement of the Constitution of Uzbekistan

* For individuals who have outstanding service to the Republic of Uzbekistan or high achievement in science, technology and culture, as well as having a profession or qualification of interest for the Republic, by the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan may be an exception and may be admitted to citizenship of Uzbekistan excluding the first three conditions.

An application for admission to citizenship of Uzbekistan is rejected if: the person requesting it, in favor of changing the constitutional order of the Republic of consists of parties and other associations whose activities are incompatible with the constitutional principles of the Republic convicted and serving a sentence of imprisonment for the actions pursued by the laws of the Republic of

Uzbekistan citizenship terminated due to loss of citizenship due to loss of citizenship... on the grounds stipulated by international treaties on other grounds provided by law

Loss of nationality occurs: due to entering military service, the bodies of the security services, the police, judiciary and other organs of state power in a foreign country If a citizen of Uzbekistan residing abroad stood up in the consular register without good cause within 5 years if citizenship of Uzbekistan acquired through submission of false information or false documents

* Solves all the issues of citizenship President of Uzbekistan. The establishment of the asylum to the citizenship of Uzbekistan, registration applications for admission to citizenship, and the issuance of the relevant documents are assigned to law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic.

President of Uzbekistan take decisions: for citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan of foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan for citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan of foreign citizens and stateless persons residing abroad, to submit petitions to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan the restoration of the citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan renunciation of citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan the loss of citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan

economic right social rights Fundamental rights and freedoms Private (civil) right political right

Personal rights and freedoms of man and citizen Right to life Protection of human dignity Liberty and security of person Privacy and home Freedom of movement and residence Freedom of thought, conscience and religion The right to the full enjoyment of their rights in 18 years

Political rights and freedoms of man and citizen The right to create social and political associations The right to participate in meetings, rallies and demonstrations The right to participate in public affairs The right to elect and to be elected freedom of the media The right to appeal, statements and complaints to state bodies

Economic rights and freedoms of man and citizen The right to private property, the property Freedom to work, choice and profession The right to work and wages are not lower than the legal level The right to not prohibited by law in economic activities

Social rights and freedoms of man and citizen The right to work, rest and remuneration Protection of motherhood and childhood Social security in old age (pensions), sickness, disability, Health and adequate health care The right to education, training creativity and intellectual property The right to an unpolluted environment, and information about the state of The right to protection against unemployment

Constitutional rights and duties of citizens The duty to respect the Constitution and laws of the country Duty to protect the historical, spiritual and cultural heritage of the people The obligation to pay statutory taxes and fees Duty to take care of the environment, natural resources The duty to defend the Motherland The obligation to perform military service or alternative service The duty to respect the rights and freedoms of other persons in the exercise of his rights and freedoms

* Our state effectively guarantees citizens the opportunity to really exercise their rights and freedoms as enshrined art. 43 of the Constitution.

everyone is guaranteed judicial protection of rights and freedoms the right to appeal any unlawful actions of state bodies, officials and public associations. the right to appeal any unlawful actions of state bodies, officials and public associations.... Women and men have equal rights