1 Dear Editors Passage 6 ……… ……….. …….. …… ……. …... ……. …… ….. ….
2 Main Points of the Text Text Learning vocabulary
3 Your readers may be interested in the following account of the behaviour modification of a small girl.
4 Kathy started at nursery school at the age of two years nine months.
5 She was small for her age but confident, competent and determined.
6 Settle into the group easily.
7 She would be first on the slide. She would be highest up the climbing frame.
8 She could put on her coat without help and not only fasten her own buttons but fasten other children’s, too.
9 If any one upset her or stood in her way, her right hand would flash out faster than Mohammed Ali’s and score down the face of her playmates.
10 Children twice her age would fly in terror from her and cower screaming in corners.
11 All the usual ways failed, then I remembered ……, I decided that……
12 With a pocketful of Smarties I followed Kathy around.
13 “Nice, nice sweetie.” First time: gathered up the little hurt one cradle her in my arms
14 Kathy opened her mouth expectantly,when she got nothing looked puzzled.
15 Second time: “Look Kathy, a nice Smartie for John.”
16 Give me a Smartie, I have hurt my finger. You will get a sweet if someone hurts you.
17 The third time: she turned and scratched a child, waited quietly.
18 Third time: mothered him rewarded him
19 She has never scratched a child since.
20 Parents who find older children bullying younger brothers or sisters might give more attention to the injured one. Replace shouting and punishment.
21 1. Why did Margaret Seekree write this letter? account of behaviour modification description change the story of changing her behaviour
22 2.What’s Ms.Seekree’s profession? She is either a teacher or headteacher of a nursery.
23 3. What kind of child was Kathy? confident competent determined sure of herself quite able resolute
24 3. What kind of child was Kathy? confident competent determined How do we know?
25 settled easily into groups Put on her coat &fasten the buttons first on the slide highest up the climbing frame not shy with strangers confident competent determined 爬升架
26 4. What’s the problem of Kathy? a scratcher: a person who scratches
27 5. What was Margaret’s way to solve this problem? What caused her to have that idea? ignore the bully reward the victim leave alone one who uses his strength to frighten or hurt weak ones comfort the one who was hurt
28 6. How many times did Kathy scratch? What was Margaret’s response to Kathy each time? First time: gathered up cradle her in the arms “Nice,nice sweetie.” popped it into the mouth picked up 3 times held her in a comfortable way put quickly into her mouth
29 Second time: cuddle “Look Cathy, a nice Smartie for John.” take in the arm to comfort him 6. How many times did Kathy scratch? What was Margaret’s response to Kathy each time? I give John a nice Smartie.
30 6. How many times did Kathy scratch? What was Margaret’s response to Kathy each time? Third time: mothered him rewarded him walked away behaved like a mother gave him a sweet as a reward left her alone to show dislike to her
31 7. What was Kathy’s response each time? The first time: The second time: The third time: opened…expectantly smile, stamped waited, walked away
32 8. What did Margaret think of the method? less exhausting: take less trouble, easier to do
Games: high bars
Games: maypole swing
Games: (double) swing
Games: climbing rope
Games: seesaw
Games: climbing tower
Games: revolving drum
Games: (up-and- down) slide
Games: rope ladder
课件作者: 作者单位: 石 颖石 颖 西安文理学院