5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting1 Zelimir Djurcic Physics Department Columbia University MiniBooNE, NO A, MINER A
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting2 Fermilab Neutrino Program Detectors –MINOS – running –NOvA – CD1 recommended approval –MINERvA – PAC and internal lab review approvals –MiniBooNE - running –SciBooNE - PAC approval –Advanced Initiatives – R&D Accelerator generated neutrino beamlines: NuMI 120 GeV protons Nominal Intensity 2.4x10 13 ppp with ~2 sec cycle time. Booster neutrino beam 8 GeV horn-focused beam Peak intensity of 8.5 x POT /hour P. Adamson ’ s talk
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting3 MiniBooNE (Booster Neutrino Experiment)
4 LSND took data from ,000 Coulombs of protons - L = 30m and 20 < E < 53 MeV Saw an excess of e : 87.9 ± 22.4 ± 6.0 events. With an oscillation probability of (0.264 ± ± 0.045)%. 3.8 significance for excess. Oscillations? Before MiniBooNE: The LSND Experiment Signal: p e + n n p d (2.2MeV) Need definitive study of e at high m 2 … MiniBooNE
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting5 magnetic horn: meson focusing decay region: , K absorber: stops undecayed mesons “little muon counters:” measure K flux in-situ → e ? 50 m decay pipe magnetic focusing horn FNAL 8 GeV Beamline Search for e appearance in beam e ??? e ??? Use protons from the 8 GeV booster Neutrino Beam ~ 1 GeV MiniBooNE Detector: 12m diameter sphere liters of oil liters of oil (CH 2 ) 1280 inner PMTs 240 veto PMTs
Michel electrons from decay: provide E calibration at low energy (52.8 MeV), good monitor of light transmission, electron PID 0 mass peak: energy scale & resolution at medium energy (135 MeV), reconstruction We have calibration sources spanning wide range of energies and all event types ! 12% E res at 52.8 MeV Energy Calibration cosmic ray + tracker + cubes: energy scale & resolution at high energy ( MeV), cross-checks track reconstruction provides tracks of known length → E e
7 0 → Michel e - candidate beam candidate beam 0 candidate Čerenkov rings provide primary means of identifying products of interactions in the detector n - p e n e - p p p 0 n ring profile → can distinguish particles which shower from those which don ’ t Particle Identification
Signal Separation from Background Two complementary approaches for Reducible background “Simple” cuts+Likelihood: easy to understand Boosted decision trees: maximize sensitivity Reducible NC 0 (1 or 2 e-like rings) N decay (1 e-like ring) Single ring events Irreducible Intrinsic e events in beam from K/ decay 0 → Signal N Search for O( 10 2 ) e oscillation events in O( 10 5 ) unoscillated events Backgrounds Details in Poster Session
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting9 Osc e MisID e from + e from K + e from K 0 e from + Oscillation e Example oscillation signal – m 2 = 1 eV 2 –sin 2 2 = Fit for excess as function of reconstructed e energy Full data sample ~5.3 x POT Appearance Signal and Backgrounds
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting10 Osc e MisID e from + e from K + e from K 0 e from + MisID of these…… ~83% 0 –Only ~1% of 0 s are misIDed –Determined by clean 0 measurement ~7% decay –Use clean 0 measurement to estimate production ~10% other –Use CCQE rate to normalize and MC for shape Appearance Signal and Backgrounds
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting11 Osc e MisID e from + e from K + e from K 0 e from + e from + Measured with CCQE sample –Same parent + kinematics Most important background Very highly constrained (a few percent) p+Be + e + e + Appearance Signal and Backgrounds
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting12 Osc e MisID e from + e from K + e from K 0 e from + e from K + Use High energy e and to normalize Use kaon production data for shape Need to subtract off misIDs Appearance Signal and Backgrounds For more details on neutrino production see D. Schmitz ’ s talk tomorrow!
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting13 Osc e MisID e from + e from K + e from K 0 e from + High energy e data Events below ~2.0 GeV still in closed box (blind analysis) Appearance Signal and Backgrounds
Fermilab Users Meeting14 Important Cross-check… … comes from NuMI events detected in MiniBooNE detector! MiniBooNE Decay Pipe Beam Absorber We get e, , 0, +/-, ,etc. events from NuMI in MiniBooNE detector, all Use them to check mixed together Use them to check our e reconstruction and PID separation! Remember that MiniBooNE conducts a blind data analysis! We do not look in MiniBooNE data region where the osc. e are expected… NuMI events serve as gold mine to verify our analysis! Electron Separation Variable e enhanced by K decay
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting15 LSND best fit sin 2 2 = m 2 = 1.2 ev 2 MiniBooNE Oscillation Sensitivity MiniBooNE aims to cover LSND region. Almost there, with ongoing work on: -accurate prediction of rate -improved detector modeling -analysis of misID-ed 0 measurement in place
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting16 Obtained by multiplying measured CC + /QE ratio by QE prediction ( QE with M A =1.03 GeV, BBA non-dipole vector form factors) ~25% lower than prediction, but within errors MiniBooNE CC + Cross-Section Efficiencycorrected CC + /QE Ratiomeasuremet on CH 2 current systematics estimate: - light propagation in oil: ~20% - cross sections: ~15% - energy scale: ~10% - statistics: ~5%
Total accumulated dataset 7.2 x POT, world’s largest dataset in this energy range (Thanks to Fermilab Accelerator Division). Jan 2006: Started running with antineutrinos. Detected NuMI neutrinos – using in analysis. More cross-section measurements coming soon. Oscillation Analysis progress: on track for a result as soon as this summer. Recent MiniBooNE Accomplishments
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting18 SciBooNE
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting19 Combination of K2K SciBar detector with MiniBooNE Combine well developed detector with well understood running beam Goal - Precise knowledge of s necessary for T2K and other experiments –Non quasi-elastic interactions –Excellent tracking for multiparticle final states Status –PAC approval in Dec –Detector should arrive at Fermilab in June. 1 2 E (GeV) T2K K2K SciBooNE Flux (normalized by area) Decay region 50 m MiniBooNE Detector SciBar MiniBooNE beamline 100 m 440 m SciBooNE
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting20 The NOvA Experiment (NuMI Off-Axis v e Appearance) (NuMI Off-Axis v e Appearance)
Fermilab Users Meeting21 …exploits NuMI beam in a new way Off-axis neutrino beams provide narrow-band kinematics –Reduces backgrounds mis-id NC e ’s from K decay (wrong kinematics) Increases flux at oscillation maximum. This provides a good setting for e appearance experiments Oscillation probability ( m 2 = eV 2 ) Selected Site for NOvA detector, 810 km from Fermilab, ~12 km off-axis NO A…
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting22 3 Atmospheric Mass e NormalInverted Solar Measure 13, the unknown mixing angle in e Improve knowledge of sin 2 2 23 and m 2 32 Study the mass hierarchy in atmospheric oscillations Requires matter effects and therefore a long-baseline experiment. Begin the study of CP violation effects in the neutrino sector. NO A Physics Objectives
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting23 Neutrino only runningMixed neutrino and anti-neutrino running Values of sin 2 2 13 for which NOvA can make 3 observation of e appearance are to the right of the lines for each mass ordering and CP phase . Observation of sin 2 2 13 >0
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting24 NOvA coverage range for mass ordering Upgraded Fermilab complex could produce more beam, on order 1 MW NOvA and T2K Phase I Fraction of CP phase space covered Later Phases NOvA coverage range for mass ordering
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting25 vs. sin 2 (2 13 ) Contours
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting26 25 kton detector 20,088 Titanium dioxide loaded PVC extrusions ( 7 kton ) ~640,000 cells 3.9 cm wide, 6-cm deep Active material liquid scintillator (18 kton). Looped wavelength-shifting fiber in each cell. 32 pixel Avalanche photodiode readout ~1700 CC events per 7e20 POT ( m 2 = 2.5 eV 2 ) Electron ID efficiency 24% For sin 2 2 13 ~ 0.1 would see ~125 e interactions in 5 years Large, “totally active” structure, fine segmentation NO A Detector
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting27 MINER A (Main INjector ExpeRiment (Main INjector ExpeRiment * *Minerva, pictured above, was the Roman goddess of wisdom and technical skill.
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting28 …is a compact, fully active neutrino detector designed to study neutrino-nucleus interactions with unprecedented detail The detector will be placed in the NuMI beam line upstream of the MINOS Near Detector MINERvA is unique in worldwide program –The NuMI intensity provides Opportunity for precision neutrino interaction measurements Wide range of neutrino energies –Detector with several different nuclear targets allows 1 st study of neutrino nuclear effects –Crucial input to current and future oscillation measurements MINER A
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting29 MINERvA proposes to build a low-risk detector with simple, well-understood technology Active core is segmented solid scintillator –Tracking (including low momentum recoil protons) –Particle identification –3 ns (RMS) per hit timing (track direction, identify stopped K±) Core surrounded by electro- magnetic and hadronic calorimeters –Photon ( 0 ) & hadron energy measurement MINOS Near Detector as muon catcher Basic Detector Nuclear Targets Active Scintillator EM, hadronic calorimetry
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting30 Reminder: proton tracks from QE events are typically short. Want sensitivity to p p ~ MeV “Thickness” of track proportional to dE/dx in figure above proton and muon tracks are clearly resolved precise determination of vertex and measurement of Q 2 from tracking nuclear targets active detector ECAL HCAL p Illustration n – p p 0 p –two photons clearly resolved (tracked). can find vertex. –some photons shower in ID, some in side ECAL (Pb absorber) region
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting31 The current status of neutrino quasi-elastic scattering measurements compared to three current Monte Carlo predictions The expected MINERnA measurement accuracy of quasi-elastic scattering Cross-section Measurements (1.6E20 Protons on NuMI Target)
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting32 MINER A 4-year run Expected MiniBooNE/SciBooNE and K2K measurements in this range Rein-Seghal model Paschos- Kartavtsev model MINER A’s nuclear targets allow the first measurement of the A-dependence of coh across a wide A range A-range of current measurements A Data points: MINER A Coherent Pion Production
5/31/2006Fermilab Users Meeting33 Next Steps
MiniBooNE -Complete e appearance analysis as highest priority, during this summer. -Cross-section measurements in neutrino and antineutrino modes. -Possibility to build additional detectors closer or farther away (BooNE) SciBooNE –Construction of the enclosure should begin this summer. –Data taking might start as early as November NOvA –Prepare for CD-2 baseline review in the fall –Prepare for beginning of construction in FY08 MINERvA – : R&D and Prototyping Vertical Slice (“mini-plane”) tests complete Single Module prototype completed in Module Prototype constructed in 2007 –late : construction begins –2009: complete construction, installation Next Steps