Programming Assignment 4: HTML Table and PHP Array
Guideline Create a PHP file for a Lucky Draw game among at least five students – Use arrays to store the 5 students’ last name, first name and major Hint: Use 3 arrays. E.g., $lastname = array ('Smith', 'Kim', 'Davis', 'Miller', 'Taylor'); – Display the students’ information in a table using FOR Loop Hint: use echo to output the table to HTML – Randomly select a student, for each time the PHP page is visited/refreshed, as the winner of the game, and display his/her name Hint: you can use “$v = rand(0,4)” to generate a random number in [0,4] and store it in $v Submission instructions: 1.Submit your.php file to the corresponding Dropbox on ANGEL 2.In the message box, include the URL of your webpage The URL should look like: