Language is one of the most important, complex symbols in our society. The language we learn and use both reflects and reinforces cultural views and values, including those about gender
One way that language disregards women is through the use of: Male generic language- which is language that includes both women & women but refers only to men. For example: language nouns: “businessman”, “mankind”, “mailman”. “he” Have you heard these terms before- referring to both males & females? Research confirms that male generic language leads many people to assume that only males are included
Language defines males and females differently Women are frequently defined by appearance or by relationships with others, whereas men are more typically defined by activities, accomplishments or positions. For example: a dramatic example of focusing on women’s athlete’s appearance more than her skill- Sports Illustrated magazines
Language reflects social views of women as passive and men as active. Our language reflects society’s views of women as defined by their relationships rather as independent agents In Western culture, a woman who does not marry historically has been viewed as sympathy or pity- “ a spinster”, “old maids”
So, what’s in a name? If you are a heterosexual female- how important is it for you to keep to keep your name or take your partner’s name if you marry? If you are a heterosexual man, how much do you expect your partner to changer hers?
Language shapes awareness- for women involved in sexual harassment- terms such as “date rape "became well known in American society. Language organizes perceptions of gender- in stereotyping men & women and encouraging the perception of gender. Many people stereotype women as emotional & weak and men as rational & strong
Language reflects cultural values Language allows self reflection
How do childhood games reflect adult communication styles? What games did you play as a child- did it affect your communication style? Research gives an insight into the importance of child's play in communication Boys games- Boys learn communication to accomplish goals, compete and gain status: 1.Communication is used to assert ideas 2. Use talk to achieve something 3.Use communication to attract and maintain other’s attention 4. Use communication to compete for the “talk stage”
Girls games- girls tend to play in pairs and in small groups. 1. Use communication to create and maintain relationships 2.Use communication to establish egalitarian relationships 3.Use communication to include others 4.Use communication to show sensitivity
Gendered Non- Verbal Communication: How do men and women differ in the ability to interpret emotions? Non-verbal communication involves all communication except for words- gestures, inflection, clothing, environmental factors
Functions of non-verbal communication: 1. To supplemental verbal communication 2. To regulate interaction 3. To establish the relationship level of meaning 4. Responsiveness 5. Liking 6. Power & control
Forms of non-verbal communication: 1. Artifacts- Reflect on your artifacts, involving clothing, accessories, and items near your computer, in your car- what extent are your artifacts consistent with the association of your sex? 2.Proximity 3.Haptics (touch) 4. Kinesics (facial & body motion) 5.Physical Appearance
Physical appearance- Look at the ads in magazines, in the media- what feminine and masculine ideals are reflected in them? Does culture, race, age, ethnicity play a role into what is considered thin? Overweight? Attractive?