Mini Games Scoring Teams of 3
Match Format Definitions: Match: The competition between 2 teams. Event: There are 4 events which make up a match; 2 Singles and 2 Doubles. Game: Each event is played as the best of 3 games (see ‘Scoring’). Teams of 3 made up of either 3 boys or 3 girls, and will be entered into the appropriate girls or boys competition. Each player plays 2 events in each Match: Singles: Player 1 Singles: Player 2 Doubles: Player 1&3 Doubles: Player 2&3 A substitute player may be brought in at any point in an Event, and will also replace that person in any other remaining Games and Events of that Match. The organiser will schedule as many Matches as possible in the allotted time, only playing the same team more than once if all teams have played one another. 1 league point will be scored for every Event won (maximum of 5 league points can be scored per Match). The winning team at the end of the competition will be the one at the end with the most league points. If teams are on the same league points at the end of the competition then they are joint in that position.
Scoring Each Event will be played as the best of 3 Games. Games one and two shall be won by the Team which first scores 9 points. The third Game shall be won by the Team which first achieves a 3 Point lead, or first scores 5 Points, whichever is earlier. Every time there is a serve – there is a point scored. The side winning a rally adds a point to its score. The side winning a Game serves first in the next game. Powerplay Each Team will have one Powerplay per Event (E.g. There will be 1 Powerplay in Men’s Doubles for each side). Teams may use this in any Game. A Powerplay may only be requested by the serving Team between points (I.e. When the shuttle is not in play) and they must declare their use of the Powerplay to the opposition. A Powerplay awards two points to the serving Team if they successfully win the corresponding rally. Only one point shall be awarded if the opposing Team wins the corresponding rally.
Results Table Team NameMatch 1Match 2Match 3Match 4Match 5Total League Points Team Played League Points Team Played League Points Team Played League Points Team Played League Points Team Played League Points
Recommendations to Organiser Schedule as many Matches as possible with your court time. Allow a bit of extra time at the end just in case they take longer than expected – you can always add another round of matches at the end if there is time. All Teams will need to have played the same number of Matches by the end of the tournament so they can earn as many points as possible. Each Match will last approximately 35 minutes (played on 1 court). NB: It is possible to play a match on 2 courts which will last approximately 20 minutes (E.g. First on would be Player 1 singles and Player 2&3 doubles together, and then second Player 2 singles and Player 1&3 doubles) Prepare a schedule which means teams do not have to sit off court waiting for too long between Matches. You may need to limit the number of teams you can accept if you do not have enough court time. Things to think about Advertising Volunteers Entry Cost & Prizes Helpers