Chapter 30 Section 4 Review Page 796 #’s 1-4 The Big Bang Theory
1 Describe how red shifts were used by cosmologists to determine that the universe is expanding. Describe how red shifts were used by cosmologists to determine that the universe is expanding. The spectra of light from most galaxies were Doppler-shifted toward the red end, indicating that these galaxies were moving away from our galaxy. The spectra of light from most galaxies were Doppler-shifted toward the red end, indicating that these galaxies were moving away from our galaxy.
2 Summarize the big bang theory. Summarize the big bang theory. All of the matter and energy in the universe was compressed into an extremely small volume that, about 13 to 15 billion years ago, exploded and began expanding. All of the matter and energy in the universe was compressed into an extremely small volume that, about 13 to 15 billion years ago, exploded and began expanding.
3 List evidence that supports the big bang theory. List evidence that supports the big bang theory. cosmological red shifts cosmological red shifts cosmic background radiation cosmic background radiation ripple’s in space ripple’s in space
4 Compare the amount of visible matter in the universe with the total amount of matter and energy. Compare the amount of visible matter in the universe with the total amount of matter and energy. Only about 4% of matter and energy is visible. Only about 4% of matter and energy is visible.
The End!!!