Unit 1: Factors affecting performance 1.2: Motivation and Mental Preparation LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 2. Motivation and Mental Preparation1
By the end of these two lessons students should: The meaning of motivation Types of motivation including intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, rewards and incentives. How performance is affected by arousal and the physiological responses including production of adrenaline, increased heart rate, increased respiration, muscles tense in readiness for action. How performance is related to arousal – the Yerkes-Dodson Theory (inverted U theory). How performance is affected by over arousal and anxiety. The need for relaxation to reduce anxiety Define goal setting–SMARTER (specific, measurable, agreed, realistic, time- phased, exciting, recorded). As a means of controlling anxiety. Understand mental rehearsal. Learning Objectives Assessment: A*-C Grade = more in-depth answers and extension work D-G Grade = answer most questions at foundation level 2
Task 1: Definition of Motivation LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 2. Motivation and Mental Preparation ‘Motivation is what drives us on to succeed. Simply, it’s what drives you on when things get difficult!” Motivation is what causes us to act. e.g. thirst = get a glass of water. gain knowledge = read a book. overweight = exercise. In sport, it’s what differentiates the best from the rest! 3
Activity: Word Search LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 2. Motivation and Mental Preparation 4 Go to the appendix and complete the word search, the first to complete will win a prize
Task 2: Types of Motivation LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 2. Motivation and Mental Preparation IntrinsicExtrinsicRewards & Incentives This comes from within. It is your natural desire to achieve something. You would participate even if there is no prize or award, because you enjoy the challenge Examples: This comes from outside of us, external factor. Examples: An external motivator, which may provide the performer with something that, they want. Examples: Socializing, fun, personal development 5 It can include things like praise and recognition from other people, or trophies and awards Money
Group Task: Discuss LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 2. Motivation and Mental Preparation Is motivation exclusively one or the other? Or do they mix? Examine the pictures and explain about motivation? 6
Prize Money at Wimbledon £292,000 Per Week
Task 3: Task 3: Intrinsic or Extrinsic? LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 2. Motivation and Mental Preparation Look at the following sportspeople and state if you think they use intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. REMEMBER: on many occasions, it can be both! Charity runner Professional, top-level footballer. Sunday morning tennis player. 70-year-old ex-professional golfer. Overweight, unfit businessman going to the gym three times a week. 8
Activity: Practical LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 2. Motivation and Mental Preparation Students are about to take part in an important sprint race. Write down all the things you should do in preparation for the race to avoid over arousal 9 Arousal: To cause (someone) to be active, attentive, or excited
Task 4: Task 4: Arousal and Performance in Sport LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 2. Motivation and Mental Preparation Arousal is essential in sport to succeed. There is a medium point between being asleep and panicking. Performers must find their optimal level of arousal in order to perform to the best of their ability. Too little / much arousal = detrimental performance 10
Activity: Draw the Inverted U Theory (Yerkes-Dodson Theory) LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 2. Motivation and Mental Preparation 11
Activity: Relaxation Technique Students to try relaxation technique e.g.‘Centring’’ designed to reduce anxiety to a level appropriate for the activity, or simple slow deep breathing whilst mentally counting slowly to 10. The ability to reduce anxiety is critical in maintaining the optimum arousal level. LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 2. Motivation and Mental Preparation 12 PLAY CLIP
Task 5: Task 5: Physiological Responses LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 2. Motivation and Mental Preparation 13
LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 2. Motivation and Mental Preparation14 Task 6: Task 6: Problems 14
LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 2. Motivation and Mental Preparation15 Task 7: Task 7: Solutions
Task 8: Task 8: Discuss – Why Set Goals LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 2. Motivation and Mental Preparation Break long-term ambitions down into short-term targets. Gives the performer a specific focus and how to reach that goal, rather than a general outcome. Setting goals can… Motivate. Give confidence. Help performers. Control anxiety Two types of sporting goals: Outcome goals – the results of a competition Performance Goals – the standard of performance 16 Which one do performers have more control over?
LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 2. Motivation and Mental Preparation 17 Task 9: Task 9: Goal Setting (SMARTER) Key WordsMeaning SpecificFocus attention. MeasurableAssess progress against a standard. AgreedAccepted by everybody involved. RealisticChallenging but within capabilities. Time- phased Specific date for completion. ExcitingInspiring, challenging & rewarding for performers to stop tedium. RecordedWritten down to evaluate progress, provide feedback & motivate performer.
Task 10: Task 10: Goal Setting (SMARTER) Examples – Fill in. LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 2. Motivation and Mental Preparation 18 Key WordsMeaning Specific Measurable Agreed Accepted by myself and anyone it might affect. Realistic Time-phased Exciting Start at 10km mark. Increase by 1km / week. Include different speeds and training types. Recorded Complete half-marathon (21.1km) Assess against equated 10km time with a slight time increase Record each training time. Also record diet and intake to refer back to feelings during each run Yes. Healthy, run a lot, prepared to progress. Local event. Personalised competition 12 weeks (August to October 21st 2017)
LS (Unit 1) Factors affecting performance 2. Motivation and Mental Preparation By the end of these two lessons students should: The meaning of motivation Types of motivation including intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, rewards and incentives. How performance is affected by arousal and the physiological responses including production of adrenaline, increased heart rate, increased respiration, muscles tense in readiness for action. How performance is related to arousal – the Yerkes-Dodson Theory (inverted U theory). How performance is affected by over arousal and anxiety. The need for relaxation to reduce anxiety Define goal setting–SMARTER (specific, measurable, agreed, realistic, time- phased, exciting, recorded). As a means of controlling anxiety. Understand mental rehearsal. Learning Objectives Assessment: A*-C Grade = more in-depth answers and extension work D-G Grade = answer most questions at foundation level 19