Design Flow C CODE Hex File Assembly Code Compiler Assembler Chip Programming
BUS Structure Bus is a group of lines carrying digital Information Bus width indicates number of bit lines Two Types of Buses in any Processor: Data Bus (eg: 8 bit processor has 8 bit data bus. Eg: PIC) Data Bus (eg: 8 bit processor has 8 bit data bus. Eg: PIC) Address Bus (Defines the memory size) Address Bus (Defines the memory size) I/O Device Processor Memory Bidirectional Data Bus Unidirectional Address Bus Control Signals Basic Micro Computer Bus is driven by buffers from different devices, processor &memory. Ques: How to arbitrate between different devices that want to access the bus at the same time?
Output Buffer Memory Addressing and Access Input Buffer Register 0 Register 3 Register 2 Memory Address Decoder Processor A0A WR RD 1)Register addresses : 00,01, 10, 11 2)Active Low Wr and Read enable signal comes from control unit 3) Additional chip select also provided if more than one set of memory registers available Questions: For a memory of 1 K byte and word size of 8 bits 1)What is the width of MAR 2)How many address lines come out of the decoder 3)What is the register width 4)What is the input/output data width ??? 5)What is the size of processor address bus 6)What is the size of the processor data bus Data Bus Register 1 Memory Address Register [MAR]
DATA Transfer Unit Main Memory location
DATA Transfer Unit Main Memory location along with MAR and Decoder
DATA Transfer Unit Memory with Working Register WW : work register write (Data bus to register) WR: Work register read (reg to bus) WCLK: clock
DATA Transfer Unit
ENHANCED DTU (With Program Counter) Program memory is separate from data memory OPCODE= instruction codes.
ENHANCED DTU (With Addition of Control and timing)
Status of control lines S. No. RAWEREWEIEOWEWWWRActivity Transfer data from input port to working register Write address into RAM address register (get ready to select an address location in the register file) Transfer data from working register into the selected RAM location Transfer data from working register to the output port Transfer data from selected RAM location into the working register Transfer data from selected RAM location into the output port Transfer data from input port to working register
SYSTEM CLOCK and PIPELINING Instruction execution takes place in 2 stages, each stage needs 4 clock cycles. Instruction Fetch and Instruction Decode Fetch: clock1: Increment PC (PC <= PC+1) (phase 1) clock 2,3: idle. Clock 4: Instruction loaded in to IR Decode: clock 1 : Instruction decode clock 2 : Fetch data from register or port clock 3 :Operations carried out with data Clock 4 :Results loaded back to destination FETCH AND DECODE ARE INDEPENDENT. HENCE THEY CAN BE DONE IN PARALLEL. THIS IS CALLED PIPELINING. This is a 2 stage pipelining concept.
Instruction Cycle Pipelining