Transition from Year 2 (KS1) to Year 3 (KS2) By Miss Foreman
Timetable differences Year 2 (Bobcats) 10:15am – 10:30am Morning break 10:15am – 10:30am Morning break All KS1 pupils are provided with free fruit at morning break. All KS1 pupils are provided with free fruit at morning break. 2:30pm – 2:40pm 2:30pm – 2:40pm Afternoon break 3:20pm 3:20pm End of the school day Year 3 (Jaguars) 10:30am – 10:45am 10:30am – 10:45am Morning break KS2 pupils need to bring their own fruit for morning break. KS2 pupils need to bring their own fruit for morning break. In KS2, afternoon break is optional. In KS2, afternoon break is optional. 3:25pm 3:25pm End of the school day
Reading Year 2 (Bobcats) The children are required to bring their book bags into school on a weekly basis. The children are required to bring their book bags into school on a weekly basis. An adult will change their reading book for them. An adult will change their reading book for them. Year 3 (Jaguars) The children are required to bring their book bag and reading journal into school every day. The children are required to bring their book bag and reading journal into school every day. With guidance from an adult, the children are allowed to choose their next book by themselves. With guidance from an adult, the children are allowed to choose their next book by themselves.
What are the expectations for reading in Year 3? We have a daily Guided Reading lesson from 9:00am – 9:30am. We have a daily Guided Reading lesson from 9:00am – 9:30am. There is a rota of activities, so that throughout the week each group will have done: There is a rota of activities, so that throughout the week each group will have done: 1. A teacher-led session 2. A follow up task (linked to the teacher-led session) 3. A reading comprehension activity 4. Independent reading 5. An ICT based reading activity (such as: Bug Club).
For more able pupils
Spellings Year 2 (Bobcats) The focus in Key Stage One is upon the Phonics programme. The focus in Key Stage One is upon the Phonics programme. Any children who have not passed the Phonics Screening Check by the end of Key Stage One will continue with their Phonics into Key Stage Two. Any children who have not passed the Phonics Screening Check by the end of Key Stage One will continue with their Phonics into Key Stage Two. Year 3 (Jaguars) We do not have dedicated Phonics lessons. We do not have dedicated Phonics lessons. We spend 15 minutes on Spellings and Handwriting each day. We spend 15 minutes on Spellings and Handwriting each day. Throughout the term, the children will be set spellings on a weekly basis. Throughout the term, the children will be set spellings on a weekly basis.
Writing In Year 3, we work towards producing a piece of independent Extended Writing once per fortnight. In Year 3, we work towards producing a piece of independent Extended Writing once per fortnight. In preparation for this, our Literacy lessons leading up to the Extended Writing lesson focus upon the features, structure and language associated with the particular text type we are writing. In preparation for this, our Literacy lessons leading up to the Extended Writing lesson focus upon the features, structure and language associated with the particular text type we are writing.
For more able pupils
Maths In Year 3, we use the Abacus Scheme as the basis for our teaching In Year 3, we use the Abacus Scheme as the basis for our teaching bacus bacus Where possible, Maths is taught in a practical way. Where possible, Maths is taught in a practical way. Where links can be made, Maths is taught in a cross-curricular way. For example: Roman Numerals will be taught in our Topic sessions about The Romans. Where links can be made, Maths is taught in a cross-curricular way. For example: Roman Numerals will be taught in our Topic sessions about The Romans.
For more able pupils
Assessment Year 2 (Bobcats) The children are assessed in reading, writing and maths on a regular basis. The children are assessed in reading, writing and maths on a regular basis. At the end of Year 2, the children take their SATs. At the end of Year 2, the children take their SATs. Year 3 (Jaguars) The children are assessed in reading, writing and maths each term. The children are assessed in reading, writing and maths each term. They do not have a test for writing; we assess their most recent writing against end of year expectations. They do not have a test for writing; we assess their most recent writing against end of year expectations.
Homework Year 2 (Bobcats) The children have a Learning Journal and work is set once per fortnight. The children have a Learning Journal and work is set once per fortnight. Year 3 (Jaguars) The following homework is set on a weekly basis: The following homework is set on a weekly basis: 1. Spellings 2. Maths (usually on Active Learn Primary) 3. Literacy (often linked to our Topic)
Independence and Responsibility The children are responsible for making sure that they have the correct PE kit with them. The children are responsible for making sure that they have the correct PE kit with them. They should be able to complete their homework independently, being guided by you where necessary. They should be able to complete their homework independently, being guided by you where necessary. When it is complete, it is their responsibility to hand it in on time. When it is complete, it is their responsibility to hand it in on time. The children are responsible for ensuring that they bring their reading book and reading journal into school every day. The children are responsible for ensuring that they bring their reading book and reading journal into school every day.
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