Uniform Please look on our school website for our uniform policy. If you don’t have access to the internet then a hard copy can be obtained from the office.


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Presentation transcript:

Uniform Please look on our school website for our uniform policy. If you don’t have access to the internet then a hard copy can be obtained from the office. Key Points: Nail varnish, transfer tattoos and make up are not allowed under any circumstances. Parents are requested not to have symbols, stripes, insignia or names etc shaved into their child’s hair. Parents are also requested not to dye or colour their children’s hair. No hooped or dangling earrings of any kind – plain studs only please. On non-uniform days, please ensure that children still wear sensible shoes.

PE Kits Please send kits to school on a Monday and take home on a Friday. We would rather this than on set days as our PE slots are sometimes subject to change. Please name all items of clothing. Indoor Kits: blue shorts, school t-shirt and plimsolls. Outdoor Kit: blue tracksuit (top and bottoms), school t-shirt and trainers. It is important to have both plimsolls and trainers because of the different levels of support they provide on each surface. Tracksuits are essential in winter as we will go outside if the hall is in use, and also because some of the classes change for PE before their lunch hour to ensure there is no lesson time lost.

Behaviour Policy Our behaviour policy is available on our school website or a hard copy can be obtained from the school office. A behaviour flower with our school rules is displayed in every classroom and in the school hall. The flower is discussed in PSHE lessons and assemblies within the first half term. Apple system – all children will start the day on green apple, they will move to yellow after a warning and red apple will result in a sanction. We have introduced a golden apple to reward those with impeccable behaviour and who always stay on green apple. They will receive an activity-based reward decided by their class teacher. If a child has been on red apple 3 times in a week, they will be sent to Miss Lambourne and/or Mrs Holding. Their names will be written in a record book and a note will be sent home. In the event that your child has three entries in the record book then you will receive a formal letter – hopefully this will not be the case! All children can earn their way back to green.

Clubs Mr McCarroll, our sports coach, will be running after school clubs on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Letters have already gone out and there will be a charge for these clubs. New letters will go out each term to re-offer the places. Teachers will be running a range of lunchtime clubs, these options will be sent out soon.

Reading All children will have a reading book and reading record which is to be kept in their book bag. It is really important that these are taken care of. Please ensure that you listen to your child read every day at home and write a note back to us in their reading record. This provides a record of how well they are reading and also lets us know to change the reading book. We aim to hear every child read once a week individually and twice a week during guided reading. (Guided reading will start after half term for Year 1). At busy times of year (eg, Christmas) your child may read less regularly, but there will be a sign on class notice boards when this is the case. Reading is not just about an ability to read words, but also about understanding and interpreting what has been read. Please ask children lots of questions about the text they read!

Reading Word Cards: –Your child will receive a bookmark with words that they will need to learn to read and write. They will be assessed each half term in class. –Please could we ask that you refrain from writing on them so that we can keep a clear record. Parent readers We do have some parents who come into school to hear readers. If anybody would like to volunteer, please sign up on the sheet or see Mrs Donnelly in the office – we would greatly appreciate any time that you can spare!

Phonics Organisation: –We set children across KS1 according to the phonics phase that they are on. –Phonics will be taught at the same time every day for 30 minutes and is a very important skill for reading. –Children will be assessed every half term by their teacher and then the data will be collected and the groups will be changed accordingly. Phonics Screening Check –There will be a national phonics screening check in Year 1 in June. –Children will be given 40 words – a combination of real words and nonsense words. –You will receive a letter with your child’s results towards the end of the school year. –Intervention will be put in place for those who do not meet the required level and they will be reassessed a year later in Year 2. Homework –For those children reaching Phase 6 (usually in Year 2), there will be a spellings homework. Children will have 10 spellings to learn based on the content of lessons for that week and choose one word each day to include in a sentence.

Reading: Daily reading and questioning. Word Cards: Learning to read and write the words that have been set. Spellings: Children on Phase 6 will have a spellings list and sentences each week. Maths: As a school we are aiming to raise the profile of maths. We will be providing children with a sheet of maths homework each week – given out on a Friday and due back on a Friday. This will be based on the content of maths lessons from the previous week and should serve to reinforce the learning. Topic: We will be setting a new form of homework! Children will receive a homework book containing a grid of activities. Each homework task has been allocated a points score and the aim is to score as much as possible before the books are collected in near the end of term. A letter will accompany this homework to explain it in detail.

General Reminders: We ask that all children use a pencil to complete their homework. We ask that all homework is handed in on the day requested so that it can be marked on time. Sheets and folders to please be looked after or replaced by yourselves if damaged or lost. If homework is forgotten or not completed then you will be given a homework reminder letter, please then ensure that it is handed in soon after. Homework is an important element of your child’s work as it consolidates their knowledge and understanding!

General Reminders Letters – it is really important that you check your child’s book bag daily for any letters. Website – often has letters or reminders on it as well as the school calendar. Newsletters – can be found in book bags, the website or on the notice board at the front of the school. School starts at 8:50 and doors are closed promptly at 9am. It is very important that children start the morning with their classmates and settle ready to start their learning. Pick up time is 3:15 – please do phone the office and let us know if somebody else is collecting your child even if it is another adult known to the school. If you have any queries, worries or questions, it is really important that you speak to the class teacher at 8:50 or at the end of the school day.

General Reminders Thank you to those who could join us yesterday for Families in for Eid crafts! Families in for Diwali – Monday 31 st October 2:15 – 3:00. Parents Maths Workshop – Wednesday 9 th November 2:00 – 3:00 Parents in for Maths – Tuesday 15 th and Wednesday 16 th November 9:00 – 10:00

Any Questions?