Key Stage 1 SATs Parents Meeting Monday 20th April 2015 Nicola Ewens Phase Leader
Purpose of the tests Enforced by the Government Designed to test your child’s knowledge and understanding of the Key Stage 1 programmes of study in English and Maths. Provide a snapshot of your child’s attainment at the end of Key Stage 1.
Children are assessed formally in – Reading, Writing, Mathematics plus Speaking and Listening and Science. The emphasis is on Y2 SATs is teacher judgement The SATs tests are used to inform teacher judgements. They provide us with one ‘snapshot’ of learning that feeds into the ‘bigger picture’ that we have already built up Children already familiar with question format through teaching and practise. Year 2 SATs 2015
Preparing the children We have been providing all children with plenty opportunities to work independently We have familiarised the children with test layout and design
Tasks and Tests Assessment Area ReadingReading paper [Level 2] or [Level 3] orReading task with teacher. Sharing a book; running record, and discussion. WritingSpelling Test [All] Long task [All] Approx 45 mins (guidance but chn allowed longer) Short task [All] Approx 30 mins (guidance but chn allowed longer) MathsTest paper including Mental Maths [Level 2] or [Level 3] orMaths task with teacher.
Levels W12c2b2a3 W = Working towards level 1 Each level has subdivisions. C – just entering the level, not yet secure B – secure in the level A – secure and moving towards next level National Average for end of Year 2 = 2B Level 1 and 3 subdivisions not shown on SATs results.
Our results must be reported to Bolton Authority which are checked LA moderate on 4 year cycle We report the results to you in the end of year reports. Please do not ask teachers for your child's results but we will, of course, during the assessment period let you know how they are doing, if you wish to know!
MATHS Please access our Calculation Policy on our website (Help your child section) to help you support your child to use the CORRECT strategy
Create word problems in every day life, at the shops, playing football, telling the time etc. Discuss what calculation you would need in order to solve the problem. Practise counting – odd, even, times tables, in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 10s- forwards, backwards from any given number and across 100 Mental maths questions Practical maths – use equipment e.g. number lines, 100 squares…. Non Negotiables
READING Read together every day and ask questions about the story, encourage to express opinions, likes/dislikes about major events or ideas in stories, poems and non-fiction books. Discuss features of different genres Retell the story in own words Discuss authors word choices Talk about the characters, settings, plot Make reference to text to support answers. Inference/ deduction – deeper understanding of the text – answers are not clear in text
WRITING Practise Key word spellings (Spelling Appendices) Generate writing ideas……. Practise sentence writing e.g diary, story, fact file. Non negotiables – CL FS adjectives adverbs conjunctions to extend simple sentences Adverbial phrases to add detail – how, where, when? Correct letter formation.
Year 2 SATS Results 2014 Level 2+ School 2014 National 2013 Reading94%89% Writing92%85% Maths100%91% Level 3 School 2014 National 2013 Reading34%29% Writing20%15% Maths27%23% Level 2b+ School 2014 National 2013 Reading92%79% Writing83%67% Maths89%78%
The achievement of pupils is Outstanding At the end of Key Stage 1 standards in reading, writing and mathematics have been well above average for the last two years. The proportion of pupils reaching the higher levels in reading, writing and mathematics at the end of Key Stage 1 and 2 in 2014 was well above average.
Dates of 2015 SATs Please make sure your child is in school for the weeks beginning the 11 th and 18th May.
Thank you for your time. Questions??