Welcome to Year 6 Hawthorn Class
Year 6 Team Miss Kim Sheppard – Class Teacher Mrs Carolyne Penson – Teaching Assistant
Aims Timetables & Routines Uniform Equipment Home Learning How you can help Assessment Parents as Partners Key Events Rewards Questions
Daily Routine and Timetable
Uniform Black indoor shoes. No coloured laces. Suitable outdoor shoes (no open toe sandals) Hair tied back Small gold studs No nail varnish Hair bands should be plain Shirts tucked in
Equipment P.E. kit in school every day Stationery (KS2) including a highlighter and glue stick Painting apron Swimming (Y4/Y6) Suitable coat - no hoodies or gilets
Home Learning Learning Log Spellings (weekly) Reading (daily) Mental Maths (weekly) Home School Link Books
How can you help your child at home KS2 Appendix A: Homework Tasks for each year group ReadingLearning LogSpellingsMental MathsTimes tables 10 minutes five days a week. Children make comments about what they have read at least 3 times a week. Continue to encourage children to read aloud. This will be checked weekly by Mrs Penson on a Monday minutes per week. 2 tasks each week; 1 x English/ maths 1 x linked to topic learning. Out on Thursdays, hand in on Tuesday minutes per week. Children need to have evidence in their book that they are practising words as least 3 times. Out on Monday to be tested Thursdays Set on a Wednesday and marked by children on Friday. No more than 20 minutes. 20 minutes per week. Grid in front of Maths homework book which we will colour in as we go- In class learning.
How can you help your child at home Appendix A: Homework Tasks for each year group Handouts: Progression Calculations Policy Smart board slides September: –Homework expectations –Timetable - HSLB
Assessment Y6 SATs are the week commencing 8 th May 2017 – Please do not book holidays during this week Teacher Assessment Big writing Templewood Targets Peer and self assessment Parent Consultations – October and March
Parents as Partners Termly letter - September Monday parent surgery Home School Link Book If needed book an appointment after school or teacher can make a phone call
Key Events High Adventure – consultation early September National Film Week Christmas carol concert High Adventure LEGOLAND trip
Rewards House points Gold Assembly Sharing Assembly In class rewards