Parents’ Information Evening – Year 2 Class 5 – Miss Booth and Miss Martin Class 6 – Mr Cook and Mrs Marsden Mrs Dunne, Mrs Botterill, Miss Shea and Mrs H.
Class Blog on website. (Please encourage your child to comment on our class blogs but they must not include their surname. We also encourage parents to comment on our blog – please use the name e.g. ‘Lucy’s Dad’) Purple Mash home access. KS1 hub. Log on to our Blog!
Please try to listen to your child read as often as possible. Don’t worry if the reading books appear easy. Don’t worry if your child is asked to re-read some books. Please comment on your child’s reading and let us know whether they have completed the book. Reading
In Year 2 we continue with phonics lessons. Please see the KS1 Hub for lots of phonics games. New spelling strategies to be sent in homework. The first homework has focused on common exception words for either Year 1 or Year 2. This is continual over the year. Phonics
Spelling Test is on Fridays. After the test, children will be given their new spellings to learn for the following Friday. Sometimes spellings will be practised in class but will still need to be learnt at home. Spellings will often be linked to their phonics work. Some weeks children will be asked to complete spelling challenges as part of their homework. Spelling
Homework will be given on a Friday. It may be Numeracy, Literacy or Topic related. Sometimes children will be asked to find things out or bring things in from home. Homework will be collected in on a Wednesday. If homework arrives later than Wednesday it will not be marked that week. We encourage you to comment on your child’s homework. We do not do show and tell in Year 2 but topic objects can be brought in to show. Homework
Children will be set in hand writing phases. Some will start to join immediately, some taught to use lead in and lead out strokes, others are still practising pre cursive writing. Handwriting
Children will be assessed throughout the year by teachers at the end of a unit of work. Year 2 sit tests during the Summer term. This forms part of our assessment. Pressure will not be put on the children to perform for the tests. Further details to be given in the Summer term. KS1 Curriculum & Testing
New Assessments o Attainment Steps are now used to describe children’s attainment in maths, reading, writing and SPaG (spelling, punctuation & grammar). o The steps are organised in the same way that the new curriculum is, so that they provide expectations for each stage of attainment (e.g. a typical Y2 would be at step 21 by the end of the year). o Just as before each class will have children at lots of different steps (e.g. Y2 children will not all be at a Y2 stage of attainment between steps 19-21). o The new curriculum is harder so children are likely to start lower down the scale.
Year 2 STAT: Reading
Year 2 STAT: Writing
Year 2 STAT: Maths
Numeracy Children are in two groups for numeracy. Mr Cook and Mrs Marsden teach lower numeracy. Miss Booth and Miss Martin teach the higher numeracy group. The majority of the children are working at the same objective but working at a different pace. Parents can make a HUGE difference by supporting their child learn basic number facts. – Number bonds to 10 and 20. – X tables and related facts for 10, 2, 5 and 3.
Big Maths It is a daily sequential programme of mental maths provision, with a strong emphasis on learned facts and developing the mental agility to do something with these facts. It develops core skills in one clear method. All are taught in the same way, repeatedly, to embed these fundamental skills. Big Maths highlights how small steps of progress with core numeracy follow on logically from one to the next.
Big Maths Big is based upon the principle that there are 4 core skills that lie at the heart of numeracy. These core skills form the platform for virtually all other maths skills and are affectionately known as CLIC …. Counting Learn Its It’s Nothing New Calculations
Beat That! Big Maths Beat That – On Fridays, year 2 will sit a timed challenge where children answer ‘Learn Its’ questions. The aim is to beat their previous score. ‘ Learn It’s’ will be sent home fortnightly for the children to practise. You may remember we sent out number bonds initially. These will be tested in a fun session to assess their learning. CLIC Challenges– A weekly assessment used to identify areas to work on and progress made.
Beat That! Squigglesworth Mully PIM Speedy Col Super FAB Count Fourways
Jigsaw Numbers
PE kit must be kept in school. PE is currently on a Monday and a Friday. Outdoor PE kit – Trainers, Jogging Bottoms. Your child must be able to take their earrings out themselves. Clothes must be named. PE
Healthy eating – fruit is available during morning playtime. Snack on a Friday – 30p each. No more than 60p please. Food Water Please provide your child with a water bottle that will stay in school from Monday to Friday. No juice to be sent into school. Thankyou
House Activities Interhouse football Christmas Production 12 th December Class assemblies Performances
Please see your child into the line and allow them to come into school on their own. On collection (at 3:00pm) your child will not be allowed to leave until they see their adult on the school playground. Please stand where staff can see you. Please encourage children to be prepared on a morning with their reading books and things to be handed in. We have ‘Hand in Trays’ for anything for the teacher. Drop Off and Collection
Individual Consultations are on 20 th and 21 st October Parents Evening
If your child currently has a health care plan at school, please can you stay behind to sign the form to ensure all our information is up to date. If you think your child may need a health care plan (allergy, asthma, health condition, etc.), please stay behind and notify their teacher. Health Care Plans
We are desperate for new PTFA members, please!!!! Parent forums!!! Thank You PTFA