Welcome to Year 4 Mrs Farenden Mrs White Ms Quill-Esser.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Year 4 Mrs Farenden Mrs White Ms Quill-Esser

English We cover a variety of fiction, non-fiction and poetry units throughout year 4 in which the children will be encouraged and expected to use interesting conjunctions, adjectives and a variety of different grammar styles specifically suited to year four and to structure their writing in a mature and thoughtful way.

Spelling This is taught three times a week – Monday to Wednesday and linked to spelling homework.

Handwriting This is taught twice a week - Thursday and Friday - we use a scheme called Penpals. A pen licence will be awarded when appropriate as per our Handwriting Policy.

Reading The children will be responsible for changing their personal reading books from the wide selection that are available in our classroom. Children will be expected to read each evening and to have their reading diary dated and signed by an adult with a short comment. Children that do not read each evening will miss their break time the following day. Year 4 will visit the school library each Thursday. Please ensure the borrowed books are returned on time. Guided reading activities will take place daily

Maths Our website has information about how this subject is taught. We use a scheme called Abacus which has on-line games that we would like your child to complete weekly. If three activities are completed in one week, this is celebrated in assembly and House Points awarded.

Year 4 curriculum Science and Topic information will be included in the curriculum newsletter sent out at the start of the autumn term.

PE Kit This needs to be in school all week – Monday to Friday. Swimming – This will take place during the Autumn Term.

Homework Spellings: Children are given spellings in the format shown each Thursday. They can then choose their level of challenge, green being mild, spicy blue and red for hot which consist of the spellings from the current unit we are learning, words from the year 3/4 word list and a selection of our topic words. All children will be expected to complete a minimum of ten spellings which must include all the green mild words then the first two blue spicy words. After this the children can choose how many more spellings they would like to attempt but they must be completed in the order given and not choose random spellings from the list. There will also be three 'challenger' words for children to do if they require a more challenging format. All children will be expected to complete ten sentences with extra house points being awarded for any further sentences written. The children will also be expected to complete their homework in complex sentences using a variety of interesting conjunctions to allow them to practise this style of writing for our English work.

Spellings homework example Spellings week beginning…… thought difficult CHALLENGER! through disappear accuracy though early rhythmic descending earth brooches scented obstruction muscles circular fascinated celebrating scenes

Times Tables: Children will be given times tables homework weekly alongside their spellings homework and they will be tested during early morning activities by Ms Quill-Esser who will also run the weekly times tables club and will offer some break times where children can be tested if they would like to. The children will be tested as soon as they enter year 4 and they will need to know the times table in order, as divisions and in random order to enable them to move on to the next times table.

Abacus Homework We encourage three on-line activities per week.

Red Homework: This will be handed out on a Thursday and returned to share with the rest of the class the following Thursday. It is then taken home again and brought back to school the next Monday for marking by the class teacher. This homework is based on what the children have been learning about in class or research. The tasks will include English, maths, science and topic and we are happy for you to support your child with this.

School Council Two children from our class will be voted for. Your child is invited to put his/her name forward for selection and explain why he/she should be considered. Then the class takes part in a secret ballot and one boy and one girl is chosen. These children will represent their class for the whole academic year.

Choir There will be an opportunity for your child to audition for choir.

Other information: Water bottles need to be in school every day. Please supply your child with an apron (an old shirt, T-shirt) for art and DT.

Home learning Children are invited to bring work, for display, linked to topics that we are learning in class. House points will be awarded.

Achieve Believe Create ABC – children are invited to share their outside school achievements and news with the class on a Wednesday. Photographs will be taken for our class display and photocopies of certificates etc. House points will be awarded.

Trips Trips – these will be linked to topic work.

Request Please collect and bring in old magazines and newspapers for class activities!