Forces: In Science, we’ll be finding out: How a ball flies through the air How different objects fall What gravity is and how it pulls on objects How air resistance affects moving objects How water pushes up on floating objects Why some objects float and others sink In Technology, we’ll be finding out: How to make a sailing boat or flying paper plane  In Music, we’ll be finding out: How to play our homemade instruments In International, we’ll be finding out: About sound and light pollution PE In P.E. we will be swimming on Fridays and outdoor ball games on Mondays. Children should have the appropriate kit, including tracksuit bottoms and jumpers, as the winter months draw in. RE: This coming term, the children will be learning about Hinduism. We will be thinking about the festival and why it brings a sense of belonging to a Hindu child. We will be considering the ways in which Diwali is celebrated. PSHE In PSHE we will be learning about what makes a happy school. We will be discussing rules, rights and responsibilities. Our Value of the Month is RESPECT. English Our English this term will be linked to our class novel ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dahl. We will be thinking about character descriptions and the creation of different settings. Through this, we will teach nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs and similes. We will also be teaching the children about prefixes, suffixes and root words. We aim for all children to be applying these spelling rules in their writing. Throughout the term we will be learning key skills within the English Language to include punctuation, spelling rules and lots of grammar rules. It is important to continue to hear your child read and to discuss the text. For those reluctant readers, encouraging reading of magazines, newspapers and comics is important. It is not just about your child being able to read the words but also the understanding of what they are reading. Please also practise the children’s spellings every week, this is not just writing the word but also being able to put it into a sentence enabling them to develop their understanding of their spellings. Computing In IT, the children will be learning all about e-safety and how to stay safe online. Following this, the children will be beginning to learn about coding using a new program called ‘Scratch’. Discovery This term we will be learning all about Great Britain and The Journey of a River. Beautiful Britain In this unit we will be finding out about the country we live in. We will investigate the four countries of Great Britain, their flags and capital cities. We will be learning how to use an atlas and using this to help us locate different places on a map. We will consider the human and physical characteristics and coastal regions of Great Britain. The Journey of a River We will be very busy learning all about The Water Cycle. We will continue our learning by understanding the stages of a river’s journey, what happens when a river meets the sea and researching major rivers in the world. This will lead us onto learning about the seven continents of the world. Don’t be surprised if you hear lots of new river vocabulary! We will extend our learning by setting up an evaporation experiment with fresh and salt water – hopefully you will hear all about the results. Perhaps you could support our learning by visiting a river nearby or simply talking about your child’s learning at school. Numeracy This term we will be focusing on Place Value, reading, writing and ordering numbers, counting and estimating, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, measuring using mm, cm and metres and 2D and 3D shapes. Busy, busy! We will be concentrating on developing the children’s skills of solving real-life problems using these operations. To help support your children, you could involve them in real-life problems such as using money in shops, measuring while baking and recognising and discussing the features of shapes in every- day life. Year 3 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn Term Year 3 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn Term Important information to support learning: Practise spellings (tested on Wednesdays). Support homework given on a Wednesday and to be handed in by Tuesday. Practise times tables, which are tested on Friday. By Year 3, children should be confident with their 2, 5 & 10 times tables. We then teach the 3x, 4x and 8x tables. Read at least 3 days a week with your child. Make sure children bring in PE (Monday) and swimming kit (Friday) and appropriate old clothes for art, e.g. an old shirt.