Welcome to Year 5 Class 5PA Class 5CS Mrs AsheMiss Stafford
Meet The Team! Mrs Ashe Teacher 5PA Mrs MacMillanTeaching Assistant Miss StaffordTeacher 5CS Miss Clarke Teaching Assistant Mrs Thatcher French Teacher Mrs GardenerP.E. Teacher Mrs TraynarCover Teacher Mr TitmanComputing Teacher
Extra Responsibilities Class School council representatives Eco Warriors Anti-Bullying Ambassadors Early years’ Buddies
Important Points Planners These are full of useful information including our spellings. Children are expected to bring these to the teacher if there is a message in them. Uniform, PE and Swimming Correct uniform must be worn at all times and a PE kit should be available every day. This should include a plain tracksuit in the winter, a spare pair of socks and a carrier bag. Indoor PE – Wednesday afternoon Outdoor PE – Thursday afternoon 5CS Swimming5PA Swimming
Important Points Church Dates We will let you know Church dates as soon as they are available Open Classrooms On Friday there is the opportunity for parents to come into the classrooms and look at our displays Cursive Script We use cursive handwriting within school and this is prerequisite for a pen licence
Important Points Collections From School Please update information if necessary. We can only release children to adults on their list. Planners can be used for occasional changes to collection. Walking To and From School Unaccompanied If you would like your child to walk to school unaccompanied, you will need to write a letter to inform us. Please remind them of how they can keep themselves safe and suggest that where possible they should walk with a friend.
Important Dates Parents’ Evenings 18 th and 19 th October 2016 and 7 th and 8 th February 2017 Term 1 – Sulgrave Manor – 10 th October 2016 Term 2 - Stargazer Planetarium Wednesday 2 nd November 2016 Term 2 – Space Festival (Church Performance) 12 th December 2016 Term 3 – Jitterbug at Banbury Museum 27 th or 28 th February 2017 Term 4 – WW2 Performance 5 th April 2017 Term 5 – Mini-beast Road Show 27 th April 2017
Year 5 Topics Term 1 – Princes, Plague, Pestilence and Tudors (History) Term 2 – Stargazer (Science) Term 3 – Natural Disasters (Geography) Term 4 – World War 2- A Child’s War (History) Term 5 – Beast Creator (D.T & Science) Term 6 – Time Traveller (PSHE & Science)
Our Christian values link closely to our school rules
Protect and Educate children in the use of technology Teach them how to manage risks Discuss the impact of their digital footprint and online reputation Discuss the impact to health and well-being from over-use of technology Online Safety Parent Workshop on 11 th October at 6pm with PC Newman Please let your child’s teacher know if any issues occur outside of school At Bishop Loveday we:
Online Safety At Bishop Loveday we: Cyber-bullying Grooming Inappropriate Websites Losing control over pictures and video Viruses, hacking and security offers advice to adults and children on all of the above and provided an online reporting link.
Cycling Proficiency There is a programme of theoretical and practical cycling training that will hopefully lead to the National Cycling Proficiency Award. All children in Year 5 will have the opportunity to participate. Please take the opportunity over the summer holidays to assess your children’s confidence on their bike. In addition, it is important to check their bike is roadworthy and the correct size for them. Key Skills: Ride in a straight line and braking Riding and signalling with one hand Riding whilst performing check looks over each shoulder
Homework Children should read daily, either independently or with an adult. It is really important to select texts carefully and ensure your child reads a wide range There will be spellings to learn each week and children should continue to practise multiplication and division facts. In addition, there will be one piece of additional homework to complete each week. This will be sent home on a Friday and normally due in the following Friday. Once a term there will an extended project / topic homework to complete.
Questions? Parent Timetable – out in September School Equipment Well armed pencil case would be an advantage. Please do not bring anything precious and label anything you do bring. Please label all clothing as this is the easiest way to ensure stray items are returned to the correct owner.