Welcome to Year 1 and 2 Pastoral meeting
Being ready for the school day School uniform Encourage independence / self organisation skills Daily - Reading book and reading record (Explain how /when going to check) PE kits – Base 1 Tuesday and Friday Base 2 Tuesday and Thursday Tuesday with Sportscape Homework Spellings – given on Friday for test on Thursday Maths – Mymaths or a task in homework books every other week Additional tasks as and when – letters will be sent home
Our day Routines Meet and Greet Morning timetable Lunch timetable – well being lunch (x 1 weekly) Afternoon timetable – Year 1 from Base 1 join Base 2 New ‘break’ arrangements – fit in with timetable End of day – need to know who picking up – home time arrangements
Punctuality and attendance Being on time – life skill, settle in with everyone, don’t have a sense of not knowing what is going on Very important to be in school as much as possible Miss learning and next steps, builds insecurity, gaps in knowledge, skills and understanding, effects confidence PERFECT ATTENDANCE – daily 17 days of whole class full attendance = golden time/treat
Meet and Greet Prompt start to day for all Any relevant information /concerns shared sooner rather than later [if not dropping off – call school or send in note with child] Activities set up in class to engage children in learning Supervision – TA in class to meet the children Messages to teachers on Meet and Greet – only to office if necessary
Literacy Following each year group’s NC Reading - learning to read through daily phonics sessions, share a whole class story every day– book talk etc, group, individual Lots of reading – balanced diet of book/types feeds into getting good ideas for writing and building up a good vocabulary Daily reading at home – please also read to your child and talk about the books Really beneficial for all children to have an adult read alongside or to the child even in Y3, 4 and 5 Each class – reading corner for book choices / library
Literacy continued… Writing – key focus in school – writing at length and with stamina Show Literacy working wall Writing - a range of writing linked to or inspired by class text Sentence work – grammar and punctuation Government focus on the children learning the terminology of the grammar they are using First 100 High Frequency words children should be able to spell at the end of KS1 Practice learning a few at a time and often. Don’t learn spellings night before test – often forgotten unless a child has a very good ability in retaining spellings
Maths Following the year group’s NC Show Maths Working Wall – aspects of it -explain Important: number bonds Times tables – learn as 4 x 6 not count on fingers so that can use the number fact e.g. 4 x 6 =24 so 24 /4 = 6 or 40 x 6 = 240 over-learn so really well embedded 2x 5x 10x In year 2 x3
Curriculum Planned around the class text where possible Holistic plans – hold up copy of B1 and B2 as already sent home Whole school theme : Into the forest PE – expectations for kit / timetable French by Year group: Y1 Y2– Fridays – Madame Sharpe Music – by Base but same themes RE – Yr 1 come to Base 2 on Friday afternoon
Playtime and Lunchtime Morning snack – from kitchen healthy snack – encourage fruit Whole school out together – areas for different types of play, encourage activity Lunch time – whole school have 1 hr for lunch All eat at same time Staff settle children Afternoon play is a shorter 5-10 mins – fresh air, toilet and drink stop to fit in with the class learning.
Well being We take well-being seriously Important that shared information between home and school – Meet and greet/ notes Family / pet bereavement, someone in hospital / unemployment, house move, parent split – ALL can impact on children even if not always obvious. Often children don’t want to upset the adult more by showing they are unhappy or worried. Children can worry about school, work, friendships etc. A happy child learns best! Well-being lunches
What do we want to achieve: Let every child know they matter Give every child a voice Encourage self-belief and for each child to know that they have someone who believes in them Build each child’s confidence to use their voice and share their problems Give each child someone who will listen to them (other than their teacher/teaching assistant) Make each child feel safe Ensure each child enjoys the time they share together and have fun Provide the children with strategies to ‘cope’ with difficulties Each child is well-known to adult beyond the classroom Build each child’s friendship groups across the school Meet for lunch in a group of 8/9 to have lunch with another adult who will be their ‘mentor’ Following the PHSE half termly themes: New beginnings, getting on and falling out, going for goals, good to be me, relationships and changes Anti bullying week in November
Progress Meetings Baseline children in reading, writing, maths, spelling and SPAG Use information to target teaching for individuals, groups, whole class against end of year expectations Show tracking grids… In each year we track each child’s progress against end of year objectives. Parent progress meetings across year: share how child is getting on in school, strengths and what need to focus on.
Parent partnership Teacher – child – parent Good parent partnership offers the best outcomes for the child Working together Supporting the learning process at home and in school
Any concerns… Come and share How: Meet and Greet Note/letter to teacher Make an appointment for a mutually convenient time Phone call if can’t get into school (arrange time with Debbie when both teacher and self are free)
Statutory Assessments Year 1 – June – Phonics screening 40 words – real and ‘alien’ Year 2 – SATS starting May – Reading, SPaG, Maths Writing assessed by school We will hold a SATS information evening after half term.
Any questions