Castle Bromwich Junior School Year 3 and 4 Curriculum Evening 17 th September pm pm
Meet the teams Year 3 Miss Pittaway Mrs Lavender Mrs Talibudeen Miss Saleem Year 4 Miss Blomeley Miss Varnam Miss Shakes Mrs Chaplain and Mrs Lewis Plus Teaching Assistants in each class during the morning lessons.
Learning in Lower School Year 3 Map skills and a Local study of Birmingham Stone Age China Greece Year 4 Egyptians Invasion- Romans Anglo-Saxons
English in Lower School - English and Guided Reading lessons based around books - Children have the opportunity to learn skills and apply these skills in extended pieces of writing - Daily opportunities to read for enjoyment - Weekly GAPS (Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling) lessons - Reading and writing also part of all other topics
Maths in LowerSchool - Daily Maths lessons - Children have the opportunity to learn skills and apply these skills to problems - Regular opportunities to practise times tables (Times Star Awards) - Mathletics certificates awarded for use at home - Maths also part of all other topics when relevant
How do we assess in Maths and English? - Children are judged as low, secure or high against expectations for their year group - National expectation = Secure - Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Other Performance Indicators (OPIs)- see target sheet - Secure = Regular independent use of all KPIs and majority of OPIs - High = Regular independent application of all KPIs and all OPIs over a period of time
How do we assess in Maths and English? contd. - Children work on targets for approximately 2 weeks intensively - Spelling assessed through day-to-day writing - Homework may be used to reinforce these targets or to recap previous work - Evidence collected from all lessons (including across the curriculum)
Home – School Communication How do we communicate with families? - Dojo messages- have you signed up? - Dojo communicates behaviour- 98% expectation - Text messages - Letters - Phone calls home - Conversations on the playground - Postcards and ‘notes’ home - Comments in Reading Records
Home – School Communication How can families communicate with school? - Dojo messages - Speak to us on the playground (teachers will be out at the end of each day) - Notes with your child - (see final slide) - Leave a message with the office - Reply slips on letters - Leave a message with Year 3 Teacher/TA who is on the door in the morning.
Children need to be ‘Preparing for Year 6’ during Year 4 - We aim to make the children ready for the Year 5/6 transition so this is as smooth as possible when the children reach the Upper year groups. - There are some aspects of Upper school which Year 3&4 children can find difficult when moving up - We intend for children to be ready and prepared for Upper School - We need your support in helping us to develop these areas
Our Year Group Expectations - Correct equipment for lessons (pen, pencil, ruler, rubber) - Timely arrival for lessons/school - Correct school uniform at all times - Correct PE and Games kit in school all week - Weekly homework completed - Mathletics used regularly (1000 points+) - Knowledge of all times table facts - Daily home reading (10 minutes) and regular recording in reading records - Reading record and reading book brought to school every day
Spellings - Ensure that relevant spellings are directly taught within the spelling lesson. - Ask the students to take their own personal spelling mistake words home as a homework and come up with a way of remembering them that works - this will be different for each student and is often word dependent. - The students test one another but teachers not taking in a score. - Teacher randomly selects a few students to present one of their words and how they chose to remember the correct spelling, zoning in on the part that they wrote incorrectly.
What does LEARN mean? L – Look and Listen Noticing Making links Imitating / adopt or adapt ideas E – Engage with the environment Collaboration Interdependence / Partner support / exchange ideas Focus A – Ask and Think Questioning Planning Reasoning R - Reflect Revising Evaluate Summarise N – Never give up Persevering Responsibility Other expectations: -Children are ready to LEARN- see poster. -Excellent behaviour at all times. -Correct uniform worn at all times including no trainers in school.
addresses: Year 3 staff: Year 4 staff: