Welcome to Year 3
A little bit about us… Classteacher - Overall responsibility for the class Mrs Humphries Additional Adults Mr Needham – Thursday afternoon Mrs Haylock – Monday morning, Friday afternoon Additional Adults Mrs Benson Mrs Cain Mrs Cox Mrs Timms Mrs Horton Mrs Leonard Parent helpers
A little bit about us… Key Stage 1 – Key Stage 2 Key Differences Independence The school day Lunch times Roles and Responsibilities
Daily Routines / Timetables P.E. Monday, Tuesday and Friday Swimming Summer Term – Thursdays Guitar Friday Woodwind Tuesday Clubs Gym – Monday Netball Monday lunch time Pentathlon – Tuesday Lacrosse - Thursday Choir - Friday Cross-Country - Friday Homework Given out on Wednesday Handed in on Monday
What your child needs to have in school Book bag – must fit in tray P.E. Bag – This should be a small drawstring type bag Outdoor kit bag/bags for clubs – please try to ensure this is a small bag as space in the cloakroom is limited. Pencil case (optional) All equipment must be named
What your child needs to have in school Water bottle – Water only please Lunch bag/box Snack or money for healthy tuck shop Inhaler (if needed) Tape/earrings/hair bobbles No electronic devices please
What your child needs to have in school P.E. Kit Indoors Black/red shorts, white t-shirt, pumps Outdoors As indoor with tracksuit or jogging suit over the top, cagoule (if possible) trainers
Curriculum The ‘2014 National Curriculum’ From September 2015, all Year Groups are taught using this curriculum.
Curriculum Literacy More emphasis on: Fluency - Independent application of knowledge and skills Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (SPaG) Developing positive attitudes to reading Understanding and explaining what they read Drafting, evaluating and editing a range of writing
Curriculum Literacy How can you help? Encourage conversation/questioning Ask them about their reading. Encourage a love of reading Visit the library Help with learning spellings
Curriculum Maths More emphasis on: Fluency - Independent application of knowledge and skills Automatic recall of number facts Progressing to formal written methods More complex fractions Telling the time Solving problems
Curriculum Maths How can you help? Practise addition and subtraction facts as often as possible Practise x tables 2,3,4,5,8 and 10 in as many ways as you can Use maths practically in the home Let them weigh ingredients for cooking Let them help measure up for a new carpet Go to the shops and buy something with real money Count the change they find around the house
Assessment How we assess fluency End of year/term tests Assessments at the beginning and end of units to show progress On-going assessment of work in books Specific assessments to give a standardised score- eg Salford Reading test Recording independent application of knowledge and skills in a range of activities
Assessment How we record your child’s attainment and progress On-going records transferred to computer records half termly Overall judgement of : E = emerging D = developing S = secure M = mastered
Home/School Partnership A good home/school relationship is essential if we are to provide the best all around education and preparation for the future. How we can help: Making sure your child is safe, happy, cared for and learning well whilst at school Keeping communication channels open Running meetings like this Informing you of upcoming events Making you feel welcome when you visit Ensuring school rules are applied consistently
Home/School Partnership A good home/school relationship is essential if we are to provide the best all around education and preparation for the future. How you can help: Ensure your child has all the equipment/uniform they need Keep communication channels open Come to meetings like this If you are able to offer some time, please do! (School trips, help in school, summer/Christmas fair, Friends Group) Support fundraising efforts where possible Reinforce school rules when on school grounds Check the class blog Support your child with home learning
Home/School Partnership What to do if you have a concern: First – Please make an appointment to speak to your child’s teacher. They will be able to take action to address it or suggest who can help. If something happens at home that you feel we need to know about (e.g. family bereavement): Please let us know as soon as possible if you are able. This information is confidential and will only be shared on a ‘need to know basis’.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities SEND can be in the areas of: Communication and Interaction Cognition and Learning Social, Emotional and Mental Health Sensory and/or Physical Around one in five children has SEN at some point during their school years. Some children have SEN right through their time in school. Children and young people with SEN all have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children and young people of the same age.
You know your child best. Your opinions are invaluable in helping us to find the right support for him or her. Don’t worry! There is lots we can all do to make sure they are happy and learn well at school. Speak to your child’s class teacher. They will make a note of your concerns and make sure they are passed on. Arrange an appointment to speak to the school SENCO (Mrs Humphries). What to do if you think your child may have SEND?
We will talk with you about why we think your child may benefit from SEN Support. We may carry out additional assessments to help us personalise their learning. A shared plan will be put in place, with targets and strategies to help them in their learning (ITLP). You will be asked for your input into this. They may be offered time in one of our intervention groups. These are usually led by teaching assistants. TAs are trained an experienced in leading the interventions we offer. We may ask for additional input from external experts. You will always be asked for your permission before this happens. What will we do if we think your child may have SEND?
You can find out more about the school’s approach to SEND from: The school’s website Stockport’s Local Offer Website – a ‘one stop shop’ for all things SEND. Or search ‘Stockport SEND’
Independence and Responsibility Letters Dinner money Invitations Birthday sweets Worry Wallet
Thank you for listening