Creating Neural Networks & FL Systems Objectives : By the end of this session Student will be able to: 1- Create ANN & FL Systems using toolboxes. 2- Use the graphical designing tools: [nntool] & [fuzzy] to create ANN & FL Systems. 3- Exercise the neural network design tool [nnd] ( as this tool follows Mr. Hagan text book – one of the references that we adopted in this course ).
Matlab Neural Networks & FL Toolboxes Introduction: Matlab toolboxes are easy to master and convenient to use. And last, but not least important, they provides a reader-friendly and up-to-date introduction to the related to each toolbox methodology and its applications. In this course (ANN, FL & Gas ) we will be interesting in Artificial Neural Networks toolbox, in The Fuzzy Logic Toolbox and in The Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search toolbox – while you must keep in your mind that always with Matlab you can extend the capabilities of any Toolbox functions by writing your own M-files, or by using them in combination with other toolboxes, or with the MATLAB or Simulink® environments.
Matlab Neural Networks & FL Toolboxes Lab1-1: Creating Neural Network – Perceptron – to implement the Logical OR Operation. Step 1: Using the nntool (Neural Networks Toolbox) open the tool by writing nntool in the Matlab command window and press Enter)
Matlab Neural Networks & FL Toolboxes Step2: Edit your data by defining the input and the target
Matlab Neural Networks & FL Toolboxes