THE MONKEY’S PAW W.W. Jacobs ( )
PRE-READING QUESTIONS ANSWER ON A PIECE OF NOTEBOOK PAPER AND BE READY TO DISCUSS WITH THE CLASS. 1. People may try to verify the truth by ___________________________. 2. “Be careful what you wish for.” Explain what the sentence means. Why should someone be careful about wishing? 3. Does every action have a consequence? Explain. 4. How would you define fate or destiny? Do you believe our fate is predetermined or do you think events in our lives happen by coincidence? Explain.
THE BRITISH VIEW OF INDIA “The Monkey’s Paw” tells of an eerie object that arrives in English from India. The English East India Company settled in India by 1611 and exported tea and textiles to England. From the late 1700s until 1947, India was a British colony. In letters and visits back home, British soldiers passed on information and misinformation about India’s culture.
THE BRITISH VIEW OF INDIA The English quickly became fascinated with Indian culture. Elephants, tigers, and monkeys were great novelties. Rajahs had outrageous wealth and many wives, fakirs did astonishing feats such as lying on beds of nails, and many people wore exotic clothing and jewelry. There were ornate temples and artwork, new foods, and unfamiliar beliefs, along with dreadful diseases, poisonous snakes, and mysterious cults. Before long, India came to represent the mysterious and supernatural.
GRAVE Very serious and worrying
MALIGNED Spoken badly about
CREDULITY Tendency to believe too easily
FURTIVELY Secretively; sneakily; stealthily
A PATHY Lack of interest or emotion
OP PRESSIVE Causing great discomfort; distressing