The Africa Unit 3 STUDY GAME
A UNICAMERAL legislature means what? It is a ONE house body that makes and passes the laws for the country.
What do Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria all have in common? They are all Parliamentary Democracies
A decision by one country to eliminate all exports to and imports with another country. What is an Embargo?
What political trade barrier limits the amount of goods or services coming into or leaving a country? Quotas
A country ruled by a person that has complete and unlimited power Autocracy
A person who takes a risk by starting their own business is known as this. An Entrepreneur
President Obama wants to create more jobs in the Auto Industry. What type of law can he pass that will raise the price of foreign cars and make US more attractive to local buyers? Tariffs... These taxes raise the price of foreign goods and protect local producers
What type of country can Israel be described as economically? Developed
What are two major forms of democratic governments: Parliamentary Presidential
a form of government in which a Deity (God) is recognized as the supreme civil ruler Theocracy
What are Capital Goods ? Any material things that are needed to conduct business… Machines, computers, Raw Materials…
Who makes the important decisions in Sudan The President and the National Congress Party
What are Raw Materials? Natural Resources Like… Timber, Oil, Minerals…
What are the three ways governments distribute power: 1.Unitary 2.Confederation 3.Federal
Name one of the most important factors in the economic growth of a country. Literacy Rate, or ability to make investments
What are the two Houses in South Africa’s Bicameral legislature? National Assembly National Council of Provinces
What political trade barrier stops all trade with the country? Embargo
A country in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the states, colonies, or provinces have some self-government; ultimate power rests with the voters who choose their governmental representatives (India, United States, Germany, South Africa…) Federal Republic
What is anything that improves a countries work force such as education, health care…? Human Capital
What is voluntary trade Trade where both sides are willing participants Market based decisions
What are quotas, tariffs, and embargos? Trade Barriers
What are a business’ employees or workers known as ? Human Resources
Currency of Nigeria The Naira
A government based upon religious beliefs is BEST described as an Theocracy
What is Human Capital? Anything that improves a countries work force such as education, health care…
What are South Africa’s major exports Gold and Diamonds
The central government holds most of the power in _________ government. UNITARY
While helping protect local producers, Tariffs, the political trade barrier that places a tax on the goods or services coming into a country hurt whom? Local Consumers And Foreign Producers
Currency of South Africa The Rand
In general, countries with strong economies have __________ literacy rates High
Literacy rate refers to Ability to read and write More qualified work force Higher GDP and Standard of living
Most jobs in the US are in what industry? The Service Industry
What natural trade barrier separates Libya and Zaire? SaharaDesert
What type of government controls most aspects of its peoples life. Authoritarian
Which form of government gives people more power and rights, A Representative Democracy or an Oligarchy? Representative Democracy
What type of government citizens choose representatives to make and enforce the laws Representative Democracy
The legislator is responsible for what in a parliamentary system of government? Making and carrying out the laws
A small group of powerful leaders are in charge in this type of government… Oligarchy
What is the legislative branch of government is responsible for ??? making and carrying out the laws
The person with the most power in a parliamentary system is the??? Prime Minister
How is the leader of a Presidential Democracy chosen? The president is chosen in a vote by the people.
Entrepreneurs do what in a market economy? Take on the financial risk in starting a new business
How is the leader of a Parliamentary Democracy chosen? The Prime Minister is chosen by representatives in the legislator
Why is Sudan not a true Republic? Votes don’t count
What is a TWO house body that makes and passes the laws for the country? A BICAMERAL legislature.
What tells how governmental power is distributed? A government SYSTEM
What are Human Resources? A business’ employees or workers
Lawlessness or political disorder brought about by having NO Government ANARCHY
What type of trade barrier is a Quota? Political Trade Barrier
In what system of government is power shared by a powerful central government and states or provinces are given considerable self rule, usually through their own legislatures.. Federal System
What is a Political Trade Barrier that places a tax on incoming goods? tariff
People who can work, solve problems, and create businesses are called what? Human Resources
What are three types of governments? 1.Autocracy 2.Oligarchy 3.Democracy
Who benefits from trade restrictions placed on imported goods? Local companies that produce the same products as the imports-LIMITS competition
In what type of government does a few people such as a dominant clan or clique have power and the group gets their power from either the military, wealth, or social status. Also, elections may be held but offer only one candidate? Oligarchy
What is a common problem with command economies? Poor decision making by government leaders on answering the three main Economic Questions
In what type of government is the government “Ruled by the people” and individual freedom and equality is valued. Where free elections are held and decisions are based on majority rule? Democracy
What type of government gives the king or queen very little control, they are more of a figure head? Constitutional Monarchy
ANSWER-In a federal republic, power is divided between the national and state or regional governments. South Africa’s government operates as a Federal Republic. Question-How is power distributed in a Federal Republic? Question-How is power distributed in a Federal Republic?
What are the three main Economic Questions? 1.What to produce/how much. 2.How to produce it. 3.For whom to produce it for.
In what type of government is the power to govern held by one person and where the power to rule is generally inherited or imposed by military force? Autocracy
Which type of government gives its citizens the most power? Democratic
To study governments, geographers look at government types. What is this? Who rules and who participates
Which type of government gives its citizens the least power? Autocratic (Dictators and Monarchs)
A manufacturer of goods and services is a…? Producer
What type of government gives the king or queen complete control? Absolute Monarchy
What system of government has a central government that controls everything and power is not shared between states, counties or provinces. Unitary System
A government that sees God as the supreme ruler is known as what? Theocracy
A buyer and user of goods and services is a…? Consumer
a form of government in which the citizens elect leaders and rule by majority (United States) Representative Democracy
To study governments, geographers look at government systems. What is this? How the power is distributed.
What type of trade barrier is an Embargo? Political Trade Barrier
What is a common feature of countries with strong economies? High Literacy Rates
What type of government is ruled by a king or dictator? Autocratic
The US and other countries tried to persuade the S. African Government to quit its policy of Apartheid by limiting trade with the country. What type of political trade barrier is this?? Sanctions
What is it called when countries trade without any trade restrictions or barriers? Free Trade
African country have we studied that could be considered an Oligarchy prior to 1994??? South Africa
How is a presidential democracy differ from a parliamentary democracy? In a presidential democracy the executive branch is separate from the legislative branch.
A BICAMERAL legislature means what? It is a two house body that makes and passes the laws for the country.
Give 4 examples of political trade barriers… 1.Tariffs 2.Sanctions 3.Embargos 4.Quotas
In terms of international business, if two countries offer the same product, what influences which one I purchase it from? The price, ie… The Exchange Rate
What system of government is a voluntary association of independent states that agrees to follow a weak central government.. Confederation System
Which African country that we have studied have an Autocratic Government system? Sudan (Military Dictatorship)
What political trade barrier limits trade with a particular country or specific business BUT DOES NOT stop all trade with the country? Sanctions
What are the two houses in South Africa’s legislature? What are the two houses in South Africa’s legislature? National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces
Question-How is power distributed in a one party state? Question-How is power distributed in a one party state? ANSWER-It is not. This is an unitary type of government with a strong central government.
What is nationalism? Loyalty based on political /geographic boundaries
A unicameral legislature is classified by what? One House
How is power distributed in a federal government system? Power is shared among different levels of government
South Africa’s economy, like the United States, depends heavily on what? Service Industry
How is power distributed in a unitary government system? Strong Central Government, NO power Sharing
What type of government exists in the Republic of Sudan? What type of government exists in the Republic of Sudan? Dictatorship
A small group of powerful leaders Makes ALL governmental decisions in what form of government? Oligarchy
What are any material things that are needed to conduct business… Machines, computers, buildings… ? Capital Goods
What type of government did South Africa have prior to 1994? What type of government did South Africa have prior to 1994? Oligarchy
In some countries a single authority decides what is produced. What type of economy is this? Command Economy
What is the percentage of people in a country who can read or write? Literacy rate
How is a prime minister in a parliamentary system chosen??? The leader of the political party that holds the most seats in the legislature.
What is a ONE house body that makes and passes the laws for the country? A UNICAMERAL legislature.
What is South Africa’s currency called? What is South Africa’s currency called? The Rand
What are Human Resources? A business’ employees or workers