DCC PTA LEADERSHIP TRAINING 1. Stages of Team 2. Build An Effective Team 3. Negotiate Conflict
STAGES OF TEAM DEVELOPMENT MODEL 1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. Performing 5. Transforming 6. Ending
HOW TO BUILD AN EFFECTIVE TEAM 1. Know Each Team Members’ Leadership Styles 2. Define Team Expectations in “Ground Rules” 3. Set SMART Goals for Team 4. Define Roles with Position Description for Members 5. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate 6. Recognize Good Works
TEAM MEMBERS LEADERSHIP STYLES 1. Members complete leadership style evaluation. 2. Train teams to capitalize on different leadership styles. 3. Share your leadership style. Color code on name tag….
ESTABLISH & MAINTAIN GROUND RULES 1. Provide flip charts or white boards to record group ideas. 2. Record all suggested ground rules ideas from group. 3. Discuss, debate and finalize each individual rule. 4. Encourage members to ask questions and amend the rules. 5. At meeting conclusion revisit ground rules. 6. Review ground rules as needed.
SMART GOALS 1. Specific 2. Measurable 3. Achievable 4. Relevant 5. Time-based goals
VOLUNTEER POSITION DESCRIPTION SHOULD INCLUDE: Reports to: Position Summary: Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Requirements (preferred): Needed Resources And Supplies: Evaluation: Time Commitment: Acknowledgement:
VOLUNTEER COMMUNICATION PLAN: Identify communication groups: phone, , social media. Keep board and members informed of team progress on a regular basses. Maintain assigned DCCPTA. Org webpages. Submit end of year report to assist incoming teams.
RECOGNIZE GOOD WORK 1. Recognize accomplishments through comments, s or event reviews. 2. Praise needs to be specific, direct, and frequent.
STEPS TO NEGOTIATE CONFLICT RESOLUTION 1. Clarify conflict and goals with contributors. 2. Brainstorm possible resolutions with contributors. 3. Have contributors choose and clearly state agreed resolution. 4. Revisit contributors on progress to resolution. 5. If conflict still exists consider additional mediation and or team member changes.
BRAINSTORMING GROUP CREATIVITY TECHNIQUE 1. Present problem to solve 2. The more ideas the better 3. All ideas are good Ideas 4. The wilder ideas the better 5. Combining good ideas can make great ideas
DCC PTA LEADERSHIP TRAINING 1. Stages of Team 2. Build An Effective Team 3. Negotiate Conflict
DCC PTA LEADERSHIP TRAINING CREDITS AND RESOURCES Credits Resources Section 6. Training for Conflict Resolution Additional information regarding Stages of Team Development Model: Additional conflict resolution resource : resources/the-conflict-resolution-process/