¨Did you know over 130 million Americans regularly bike or walk? ¨Both are great for exercise, sport, or simply for relaxing and enjoying the outdoors. (NHTSA) Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
¨Although walking can be very relaxing or fun, it can also be very dangerous. ¨It only takes a moment for our lives to change drastically! Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
Traffic Safety Facts ¨In ,743 pedestrians were killed & estimated 76,000 were injured in traffic crashes in the U.S. ¨This was a increased a 6% from the 4,743 pedestrians killed in National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
Did You Know: ¨On Average, a pedestrian is killed in a traffic crash every 2 hours. ¨A pedestrian is injured in a traffic crash every 7 minutes. National Center for Statistics and Analysis Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
Location of Fatalities ¨Most pedestrian fatalities in 2012 Occurred in: yUrban Areas (73%) yNon-intersection locations (70%) yNormal weather conditions (89%) yAt night (70%) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Examples of pedestrian- motor vehicle crash types ¨A Pedestrian darts out into traffic in a mid-block area. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
¨A Pedestrian is struck from behind while walking or running along the road in the same direction as traffic. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
¨A Vehicle making a turn at an intersection strikes a pedestrian. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
¨A Pedestrian is struck by a vehicle that is backing up. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
Pedestrians killed by gender ¨69% of pedestrians killed in 2012 were males. ¨In 2012, the male pedestrian fatality rate was 2.13 per 100,000 population. ¨ This was more than double the rate for females at 0.91 per 100,000. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
Pedestrians killed by age ¨In 2012, or 22% of children ages 5 and 15 killed in traffic crashes were pedestrians. ¨Older pedestrians (age 65+) accounted for 20% of all pedestrian fatalities and 9% of injuries. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
Time of Day & Day of Week for Pedestrian-Vehicle Crashes % of Crashes at Select Time Periods Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
Safety Tips for Walkers: ¨Always walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk and you have to walk in the road, always walk FACING traffic, so you can see any car approaching. All Tips are from: Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
zKeep alert at all times; don’t be distracted by electronic devices, that take your eyes and ears off the road. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
¨Brightly colored clothing makes it easier for drivers to see you. ¨At night, wear reflective material on your shoes, cap, or jacket. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
Tips for Crossing the Street. ¨Cross only at corners or marked crosswalks. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
Tips for Crossing the Street. ¨Stop at the curb, or the edge of the road and look both directions. ¨Use this pattern: look left, then right, then left again, before you step into the street. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
If you see a car, wait until it goes by. Then again look left, right, and left again. ¨Always continue to look for moving vehicles while you are crossing the street. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
zStay off of freeways, restricted- access highways and other pedestrian prohibited roadways. zAvoid alcohol and drugs when walking; they impair your abilities and judgment too. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
zALWAYS be cautious night and day. Never assume a drivers sees you. He or she could be distracted or under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
zTry to make eye contact with the drivers as they approach you. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
Tips for Drivers: zLook out for pedestrians everywhere, at all times. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
zBe vigilant for pedestrians in hard- to-see conditions, such as nighttime or in bad weather. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
zSlowdown and prepare to stop when turning or entering a crosswalk. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
zAlways stop for pedestrians in crosswalks and well back from the crosswalk.
zNever pass vehicles stopped at a crosswalk. zNever drive under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. zFollow the speed limit, especially around pedestrians. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
zFollow slower speed limits in school zones and where children are present. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
Take These Steps for Child Pedestrian Safety: ¨Watch toddlers and preschoolers closely when they are near vehicles. ¨When walking, talk to your child about street safety. Nueces County Safe Communities Safe Driving Public Education Campaign
zYoung children learn by watching adults, so Play it Safe!
z z z z z for more information: For More Information See: Revised: 9/4/2015