Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session, September 6th -10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia in compliance with EU and JAA requirements” Training Course Flight Examiner September 6th – 10th 2004, Tallinn September 27th – October 1st 2004, Tallinn
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Examiner ratings General Examiners shall: Examiners shall: hold a licence and rating at least equal to the licence or rating for which they are authorised to conduct skill tests or proficiency checks and the privilege to instruct for this licence or rating; be qualified to act as PIC of the aeroplane during a skill test or proficiency check and shall meet all the requirements ² specified by the JAR-FCL. When no qualified examiner available the Authority may authorize examiners/inspectors to execute the privileges without the relevant instructor/type/class rating.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Examiner ratings Roles of examiners: Roles of examiners: 6 examiner roles are recognised: Flight examiner (aeroplane)- FE(A) Type rating examiner (aeroplane) - TRE(A) Class rating examiner (aeroplane) - CRE(A) Instrument rating examiner (aeroplane) - IRE(A) Synthetic flight examiner (aeroplane) – SFE(A) Flight insructor examiner (aeroplane) – FIE(A)
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Examiner ratings Multiple role: Multiple role: Provided that they meet the qualification and experience requirements for each role undertaken, examiners are not confined to a single role as flight examiner (FE), type rating examiner (TRE), class rating examiner (CRE), instrument rating examiner (IRE) or flight instructor examiner (FIE). Compliance with the JARs; Compliance with the JARs; The examiner shall comply with appropriate examiners’ standardization arrangements made or approved by the Authority.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Examiner ratings Entries in the licence: Entries in the licence: In licences where revalidation entries may be made by the examiner, the examiner will: complete the following details: ratings; ratings; date of check; date of check; validity date; validity date; authorisation number; authorisation number; signature. signature. submit the original of the skill test or proficiency check to the Authority and hold one copy of the check form on personal file.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Examiner ratings Period of validity An examiners’ authorisation is valid for not more than 3 years; An examiners’ authorisation is valid for not more than 3 years; Examiners are re-authorised at the discretion of the national Authority. Examiners are re-authorised at the discretion of the national Authority.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Flight Examiner (aeroplanes) – FE(A) Privileges and requirements Privileges: Privileges: The privileges of a FE(A) are to conduct: Skill tests for the issue of the PPL(A) and skill tests and proficiency checks for the associated single-pilot class/type ratings; Skill tests for the issue of a CPL(A) and skill tests and proficiency checks for the associated single-pilot class/type ratings.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Flight Examiner (aeroplane) – FE(A) Requirements: Requirements: For the issue of the PPL(A) and associated class and type ratings for single-pilot aeroplanes: The FE(A) has completed not less than 1000 hours flight time as pilot of aeroplanes, including not less than 250 hours flight instruction. For t he issue of a CPL(A) and associated class and type ratings for single-pilot aeroplanes: The FE(A) has completed not less than 2000 hours flight time as pilot of aeroplanes, including not less than 250 hours flight instruction.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Type Rating Examiner (aeroplanes) – TRE(A) Privileges and requirements Privileges: Privileges: The privileges of a TRE(A) are to conduct: Skill tests for the issue of type ratings for MPA; Proficiency checks for revalidation or renewal of multi- pilot aeroplanes; Skill tests for the issue of ATPL(A).
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Type Rating Examiner (aeroplane) – TRE(A) Requirements: Requirements: The TRE(A) has: completed not less than 1500 hours flight time as pilot of multi- pilot aeroplanes, of which at least 500 hours shall be as PIC; held a TRI(A) rating or authorisation.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Class Rating Examiner (aeroplanes) – CRE(A) Privileges and requirements Privileges: Privileges: The privileges of a CRE(A) are to conduct: Skill tests for the issue of class and type ratings for SPA; Proficiency checks for revalidation or renewal for single-pilot aeroplanes and revalidation of instrument ratings.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Class Rating Examiner (aeroplanes) – TRE(A) Requirements: Requirements: The CRE(A): holds or has held a professional pilot licence (A) and holds a PPL(A); has completed not less than 500 hours as pilot of aeroplanes.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Instrument Rating Examiner (aeroplanes) – IRE(A) Privileges and requirements Privileges: Privileges: The privileges of a IRE(A) are to conduct: s kill tests for the initial issue of instrument ratings; proficiency checks for the revalidation or renewal of instrument ratings.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Instrument Rating Examiner (aeroplanes) – TRE(A) Requirements: Requirements: The IRE(A) has completed not less than 2000 hours of flight time as pilot, including: not less than 450 hours flight time under IFR; 250hours as flight instructor.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Synthetic Flight Examiner (aeroplanes) – SFE(A) Privileges and requirements Privileges: Privileges: The privileges of a SFE(A) are to conduct: type rating proficiency checks on multi-pilot aeroplanes in a FS; instrument rating proficiency checks on multi-pilot aeroplanes in a FS.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Instrument Rating Examiner (aeroplanes) – TRE(A) Requirements: Requirements: The SFE(A): has completed not less than 1500 hours of flight time as pilot of MPA; is entitled to exercise the privileges of SFI(A).
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Flight Instructor Examiner (aeroplanes) – FIE(A) Privileges and requirements Privileges: Privileges: The privileges of a FIE(A) are to conduct: skill tests and proficiency checks for the issue and revalidation of flight instructor ratings; renewals for the issue of flight instructor ratings.
Phare Project Europe Aid/115886/D/SV/EE “Training for licensing of aviation personnel in Estonia” First Training Session September 6th-10th 2004, Tallinn Aero Development Bureau – ADB Ben Air Flight Academy – BAFA Brussels, Belgium Antwerp, Belgium Flight Instructor Examiner (aeroplanes) – FIE(A) Requirements: Requirements: The FIE(A) has completed not less than 2000 hours of flight time as pilot of aeroplanes, including not less than 100 hours flight time instructing applicants for a FI(A) rating.