Back problems: 0–44 years Ranked comorbidity combinations Source: ABS Australian Health Survey 2011–12 (National Health Survey component) For people aged 0–44, back problems occur most commonly with mental health conditions—over a quarter (27%) of people with back problems also have a mental health condition. In combination, these diseases affect 2% of the population in this age group Common chronic disease comorbidities People not represented 81.5% Back problems 9.1% 2.4% Mental health 11.8% People not represented 82.0% Back problems 9.1% 1.3% Asthma 10.2% People not represented 87.1% Back problems 9.1% 1.0% CVD 4.8% People not represented 88.8% Back problems 9.1% 0.8% Arthritis 3.0% Back problems 9.1% People not represented 90.1% *0.2% COPD 1.1% Back problems 9.1% People not represented 90.2% *0.1% Diabetes 0.8% Back problems 9.1% People not represented 90.8% *0.1% Cancer 0.2%
Back problems: 45+ years Ranked comorbidity combinations Source: ABS Australian Health Survey 2011–12 (National Health Survey component) For people aged 45 and over, back problems occurs most commonly with arthritis— almost half (47%) of people with back problems also have arthritis. In combination, these diseases affect 10% of the population in this age group Continued on next slide Common chronic disease comorbidities Back problems 20.8% People not represented 55.4% 9.9% Arthritis 33.6% Back problems 20.8% People not represented 51.2% 8.3% CVD 36.3%
Back problems: 45+ years Ranked comorbidity combinations Source: ABS Australian Health Survey 2011–12 (National Health Survey component) Common chronic disease comorbidities Back problems 20.8% People not represented 68.3% 5.5% Mental health 16.4% Back problems 20.8% People not represented 71.9% 3.0% Asthma 10.3% Back problems 20.8% People not represented 71.4% 2.6% Diabetes 10.3% Back problems 20.8% People not represented 76.2% 1.5% COPD 4.5% Back problems 20.8% People not represented 76.7% 1.1% Cancer 3.6%