Warm up #3: create venn diagram comparing 2 of the countries from yesterdays video, include 3 differences and 1 similarity Japan USA India OR
World in Balance- Discussion What is the main issue in India? How does the economy affect the population in Japan? What issue(s) does the US have? What has influenced the population in Africa?
Post-Viewing Questions Answer the two post viewing questions and put paper in your folder Get out a piece of notebook paper title it Overpopulation (NO NUMBER)
????? What problems are going to face due to overpopulation??? things-could-happen-by-2050-here-are-5- creepy-ones
Some problems we may face… TOO many people Not enough water Having the resources to feed ALL these people Climate change Energy problems AND much, much more…
Article or Cartoon After knowing that the population is possibly going to increase immensely by 2050, write a newspaper article or draw/create a cartoon to discuss an issue or issues that may arise in How many people will there be in 2050? What do you think 2050 will be like? (What kind of resources will we have- more technology? More food/less food? Cures for diseases?) Be creative, but show an understanding of this topic use the handout as reference to discuss real issues we may face: – Climate change, water, energy, food security – You can focus on one topic, or all
How I will grade Grammar/spelling Neatness/effort Understanding of the topic Choosing an issue or issues to focus on
INFO For you Brainstorm first- today in class, use the article, discuss with your neighbor, get some ideas down- to show me before you leave Final Draft- DUE JANUARY 28 th Be prepared to share in class!
Cartoon Examples
There’s TOO many people!!! It’s 2050 and we have done it, we now have 9 Billion people. We’re in for a wild ride now. How are we going to survive? There are just so many problems we now face and no body paid attention to these issues in the past years. Why did no one listen? We’re running out of food, energy and resources. It’s over 100 degrees in most areas of the world, winter wonderland no longer exists! Yet, technology is so great, we have… More text…. World News Today THE WORLD’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER - Since 2014