A LETTER OF APOLOGY as a reply to A LETTER OF COMPLAINT Authors: Speriatu Andreea Carstos Codruta
Your name is Bob Brown and you have recently been in Olive Tree Restaurant in Chester. You were dissatisfied with the service. Write a letter of complaint to the manager explaining what happened and saying what action you expect the company to take. Speriatu Andreea → Your name is Tom Johnson and you are the manager of Olive Tree Restaurant. Write a letter to Bob Brown to apology for the disgraceful conduct of his staff. ← Carstos Codruta
Oxford Street Chester 129BT57M 4 th of July 2009 Olive Tree Restaurant Cross Street Chester 23SN123KT Dear Sir / Madam, I want to express my strong dissatisfaction with the service I received during a visit to your restaurant on the 2 nd of July. Firstly, I had booked a table for my girlfriend and myself for 7:30, but it was 8 o’clock before we were seated. Such a delay seems inexcusable to me.
Then, in spite of the fact that I had repeated our order to check that the waiter had heard me correctly, he proceeded to bring us the wrong starters. Such careless service should not be tolerated in a restaurant that charges such high prices. To make matters worse, the cake we were served for dessert, was quite stale. The menu claimed, though, that all desserts were freshly prepared that day. My girlfriend and I will not be dining in your restaurant again; however, as manager, you would be wise to guard against such appalling treatment of your customers in future. Yours faithfully, Ben Brown
Dear Mr Brown, Olive Tree Restaurant Cross Street Chester 23SN123KT Ben Brown Oxford Street Chester 129BT57M I am writing to you to say how sorry I am for the disgraceful conduct of the members of our staff towards you on Friday July 10th. I realise how much this must have upset you, and I hope that we can sort out the problem agreeably.
Due to my absence at the time, I was unable to apologise to you in person. However, I always take such incidents extremely seriously and, following your letter of complaint, the members of staff have been severely reprimanded. You can be sure that they will be treating our customers quite differently in future.
I hope that this incident will not deter you from coming in our restaurant in future. In an attempt to make up for the inconvenience caused, we are inviting you for a complimentary dinner. Yours sincerely, Tom Johnson (Manager)