assertive To act confidently and strongly “You’re worried about bumping into that Matherson boy again. See, didn’t I tell you the apology letter was too assertive?” (p. 58)
surveillance a watch kept over someone or something “He is part of a special surveillance team investigating property crimes on the east side of town.” (p. 59)
perpetrator a person who carries out or commits a wrong doing or crime “Because I wanted to catch the perpetrators,” Officer Delinko replied. (p. 62)
jeopardy a risk of harm, injury, danger, or even death My whole career is in jeorpardy, Officer Delinko thought angrily. (p. 64)
altercation an angry, noisy argument Actually, two good things had come out of the altercation with Dana Matherson. (p. 66)
ominously in a threatening way; an evil or harmful consequence Rain slashed down in wind-driven sheets that stung his face, and lightning crashed ominously nearby. (p. 68)
homicide the killing of one person by another person His father had been a robbery detective in Cleveland, Ohio, and his older brother was a homicide detective in Fort Lauderdale. (p. 76)
fervent; fervidly showing intense spirit or enthusiasm; in an enthusiastic way A detective is what David Delinko fervidly wanted to be someday. (p. 77)
informant a person who gives information The policeman was asking him to be an informant: a snitch on his own classmates. (p. 82)
noncommittal not making a choice; not having or giving an opinion on a topic Roy nodded in a noncommittal way. (p. 83)
nonchalant to act unconcerned, unexcited, indifferent, or uncaring Nonchalantly he picked his comic book off the floor and placed it on his lap. (p. 96)
incentive something like a reward that brings an action or more effort One incentive to stay home was the weather. (p. 85)