SAIGs at Sugar Creek PBIS Leadership Conference, 2016 Laurie Tackett, Educational Assistant Avery Kansteiner, School Counselor
Sugar Creek Elementary School Verona Area School District PBIS year 8 Demographics
OUR SAIG Story... Data analysis for PBIS Kick-off last summer In , we had: 492 students 539 ODRS (380 previous year)
We looked at our Tiers......and realized that our Tier 3 was too big Our question: How do we keep kids from shooting up to Tier 3?
How to ramp up Tier 2 supports?? Tighten up our processes for data review, CICO, and Mentoring We knew that SAIGs support kids in Tier 2 - perfect! Where to start? External coach: “It’s OK to start small.” Look to the data...
Our Behaviors ( )
Our Locations ( )
Location & Behavior ( )
SAIG Focus Started with Playground SAIGs Among highest ODR location Highest location for Physical Aggression, our largest behavior type Seemed less complicated to coordinate than classroom SAIGs After 1-2 months, we added bus SAIGs as well because we noticed our bus ODRs were rising quickly
a closer look: Playground
a closer look: Bus
Tier 1 Recess Supports Passport for Learning Empower playground supervisors Nurtured Heart Approach trainings PBIS trainings & team members Monthly meetings with principal and counselors Common consequences: wall/line facilitate apology talk to teacher Office referrals T-chart focuses on physical aggression (most objective) Repeated behaviors
Tier 1 Bus Supports Meet with drivers twice each year! Passport for Learning Bus driver biographies in hall PBIS poster on buses Seating charts Book bins on 2 buses Staff AmBUSsadors
Our SAIGs “Hybrid” Tier 1-2 model Data rule: 1 ODR Very brief Why? Nip it in the bud - keep kids in Tier 1 Reinforce relationships between students and staff
Weekly Data Reviews!
Recess SAIGs Counselor supervises while EA does SAIG EA reviews expectations poster and possibly another “concept poster”: Second Step lesson posters DeBug Steps I-Messages and Apologies “What’s going well, what to work on” Takes about 5 minutes
Recess SAIG with Ms. Risley Video
To Send Home (all bilingual)... Counselors or secretary mail home: SAIG letter Expectations poster Additional poster if used
Progress Monitoring Monthly “Data Bytes” review to evaluate systems Weekly individual student data review Layer on supports for additional ODRs: CICO, Recess Plan, Bus Plan (Data rule: 2 ODRs) Other, planned collaboratively
Bus SAIGs Who? Office staff handling the bus report, driver & student What? Review expectations poster, noting positive and negative behaviors (focusing on positive, of course) Also send home SAIG letter and expectations poster When? End of the day Where? On the bus
So, did it work? Total ODRs this year: 315! (down from 539)
Behavior then and now
Location then and now...
Bus - Tier 2 & 3 actually increased... Complicating factors: Time: Office staff not always able to do SAIG Ongoing crowded bus issue New bus company Driver turnover We’ll keep trying!
Playground - Yes! Decreased both Tier 2 and Tier 3 Tier 2: 36 students down to 21 Tier 3: 6 students down to 2
Our Next steps... Improve Bus SAIGs & other supports Expand SAIGs to classroom Start intensive SAIGs Use minor behavioral data for SAIG need ID
Thank You! Avery Kansteiner, School Counselor Laurie Tackett, Educational Assistant