ANG Western Invitational Golf Tournament 2014 Survey Results
Summary of Results 58% Response rate (62 received out of 107 players) Net Promoter Score (NPS) – 53 Good, but room for improvement… Goal 85 or greater Score of is considered good Top 3 themes: 1.Banquet facility too small/Not enough food 2.Transportation/Distance between hotel and golf courses 3.Yardage – Request to separate tees for the various flights
Registration Comment themes Website: Online and/or credit card payment - 5% (3 out of 62) Post scores and winners at end of each day - 7% (4 out of 62) Clarify transportation needs - 19% (12 out of 62)
Hotel Comment Themes Registration codes need to be improved (5% - 3 out of 62) Request for hospitality suite (11% - 7 out of 62)
Tournament Comment Themes Flights/Yardage – separate Championship from Seniors - 18% (11 out of 62) Adjust skins game by flights - 13% (8 out of 62) Las Vegas – too hot, more water needed - 10% (6 out of 62) Pace of play too slow – 3% (2 out of 62)
Banquet Comment Themes Facility too small - 23% (14 out of 62) Not enough food - 13% (12 out of 62) Prefer more formal setting - 11% (7 out of 62) Suggested Thursday practice round with tournament on Friday/Saturday, banquet Saturday evening
Overall Tournament Comment Themes Thank you for a great tournament comments = 16% (10 out of 62)
Improvements in Process for 2016 Tournament Website upgrades Add registration online Payment will still need to be mailed in as it is not economically feasible to implement online payment Scores and winners will be posted on website each day after tournament Tournament Days Change days to Thursday practice round, Friday and Saturday tournament days Tournament to be in July, specific dates being discussed/negotiated with golf course Hotel Negotiating deals with hotel, to include hospitality if economically feasible Banquet Planning for Saturday evening Negotiating location