GCSE French Vocabulary Foundation Tier Listening 2007 PPT4
There are around 30 vocabulary slides in this presentation. Run through them a couple of times saying them out loud to yourself– then use the PowerPoint again to test yourself.
je ne connais pas [juh nuh con-nay pah] I dont know (a person)
sensationnel (m) sensationnelle (f) [son-sass-see-yon-nel] sensational
acheter [ash-tay] to buy
voiture [vwat-oor] car
études [ay-tood] studies
écrire [ay-creer] to write
se marier [suh ma-ree-ay] to get married
faire des ascensions [fair days ass-sonn-see-yon] to climb
voyage [vwy-arj] journey
États-Unis [ay-taz-oon-nee] United States (of America)
montagne [mon-tan-yuh] mountain
vivre [veev-ruh] to live
seul [surl] alone
quitter [kee-tay] to leave
école [ay-col] school
travailler [trav-vy-yay] to work
magasin [ma-gaz-zan] shop
alpinisme [al-pin-ees-muh] mountaineering
les Alpes [lays alp] the Alps
grimper [gram-pay] to climb
rester [res-tay] to stay
université [oo-nee-vair-sit-tay ] university
étudier [ay-too-dee-ay] to study
médecine [may-des-seen] medicine
appartement [ap-part-tuh-mon] flat / appartment
jaimerais mieux… [jaym-ur-ray m-yuh] I would prefer…
indépendant (m)/ indépendante (f) [an-day-pond-on / an day-pond-ont] independent
épouser [ay-pooz-ay] to marry