Consultation Meeting on Education for Migrant, Ethnic Minority and Stateless Children Policies on Returning Migrant Children and Youth by Department of Educational Planning and Training Ministry of Education
Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (2008)
Article-22; The Union Shall Assist: to develop language, literature, fine arts and culture of the national races; to promote solidarity, mutual amity and respect and mutual assistance among the National races; to promote socio-economic development including education, health, economy, transport and communication, so forth, of less-developed National races. Chapter 1 Basic Principles of the Union
Article-28; The Union Shall: earnestly strive to improve education and health of the people; enact the necessary law to enable National people to participate in matters of their education and health; implement free, compulsory primary education system; implement a modern education system that will promote all-round correct thinking and a good moral character contributing towards the building of the Nation. Chapter 1 Basic Principles of the Union
Article-348; The Union shall not discriminate any citizen of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, based on race, birth, religion, official position, status, culture, sex and wealth. Chapter VIII Citizen, Fundamental Rights and Duties of the Citizens
Article-349; Citizens shall enjoy equal opportunity in carrying out the following functions: (e) technical know-how and vocation; (f)exploration of art, science and technology. Chapter VIII Citizen, Fundamental Rights and Duties of the Citizens
Article-366; Every citizen, in accord with the educational policy laid down by the Union: has the right to education; shall be given basic education which the Union prescribes by law as compulsory; have the right to conduct scientific research explore science, work with creativity and write to develop the arts and conduct research freely other branches of culture. Chapter VIII Citizen, Fundamental Rights and Duties of the Citizens
National Education Law (Law No.41 enacted by Pyidaungsu Hluttaw) (2014, September 31)
Basic Principles for National Edu cation ( Chapter 3, Article 4) To have access to education by all school going age children and youth including disable citizens and some ones who cannot attend school, to ensure access to education by implementation of inclusive education, special education and special education service [sub article (c)] To create the opportunity to have access to education as well as opportunity lifelong learning by all citizens[sub article (d)] To be education as one which can use practically in socio-economic life [sub article (f)]
Basic Principles for National Education (Chapter 3, Article 4) (continued) To implement the education system with the objective to be free and compulsory and to expend level by level [sub article (j)] To produce highly qualify human resources such as intellectuals, technicians and technologists, skilled workers by level by the development of all fields of the education for the socio-economic development of the nation [sub article (k)]
National Education System (Chapter 5) By the implementation of national education system; Formal Education, Non-formal Education and In-formal Education must be used and implemented by linking to each other. [article (11)] To implement formal education; basic education, Technical and vocational education, Higher education must be identified and implemented. [article (14)] Government and regional authority must support the implementation of formal basic education together with non- formal education in the ward and village level. [article (15)]
National Education System Chapter 5 (continued) Free and compulsory primary education must be targeted and then expand to implement level by level. [ Article 17] Ministry of Education and Concerned Ministries must:- (a) carry out to develop teacher education for formal and non-formal education. [sub article a] (b)produced teachers who value the languages, literatures, cultures, fine arts, tradition and customs, historical inheritance of all national races and have capabilities for the modern development of nation and national races [sub article c] [Article 20]
National Education System Chapter 5 (continued) Technical and Vocational Education will be identified as follows:- (a)Basic level technical and vocational Education for the person who complete primary education (b)Middle level technical and vocational education for the persons who complete the middle school education (c)under graduate diploma technical and vocational education for the persons who complete high school education (d)Public or Private non-formal technical and vocational education, where there is no limitation of education background, gender, age to be improvement of skills [Article 21]
National Education System Chapter 5 (continued) The schools and trainings for Technical and vocational education must be established in accord with TVET Law. [Article 24] Concerning with Non-formal Education, Ministry must implement:- (a)Basic Literacy programme and post literacy programme. (b)Non formal Basic Education Programme for the ones who can not complete the basic education level to be completed and have access to education. (c)Equivalency Programme for transition for non-formal education to formal education as well as technical and vocational education. [Article 32]
Types of schools Chapter 6 Types of schools are identified as follows:- (a)Government schools (Public Schools) (b)Government supported schools (c)The schools run by regional organizations or institution (d)Private schools (e) Monastic Schools (f)Parahita Schools ( Schools which provide all especially targeted for orphans ) (g)Special education Schools (h)Mobile Schools and emergency schools (Schools opened for emergency conditions) (i)Schools opened and identified by Ministry or concerned ministries [Article 34]
Type of Schools Chapter 6 (continued) Ministry and Regional Authority must carry out and open:- (a)mobile schools for the children from migrant workers and families to complete free and compulsory primary education. (b)Emergency schools for remote and developmentally delay area, conflict area, the place effected by disaster and also implement special education services. [ Article 38]
Identification of curriculum and Curriculum Standard (Chapter 7) Curriculum must be in line with the practical life of the society.[Article 39 sub article h] Ministry, state and regional government and Sef- administrative Body must implement:- (a)to be able to transfer from public school to other type of schools to ensure access to education as well as other types of schools to public schools (b)to help and support to open training for the improvement literature, languages, cultures, fine arts, customs and tradition of the national races and also support to teach major subject specialization such as Culture Studies, Literature and history of the national races in Universities and colleges. [Article 42]
Identification of curriculum and Curriculum Standard(continued) By the state and regional government plan the teaching of literature and language of national races can be implemented starting from primary level. [Article 44]
Right to education and responsibilities Chapter 8 Parents or guardians must have responsibility to send the school going age children for the free and compulsory education prescribed by the government and to learn their children to complete that education level. [Article 45] Parents or guardians must have right to cooperate and coordinate with the parent teacher association and school board of trustee to improve the quality of learning achievement of their children and continuous learning opportunity for the children.[Article 47] Community from ward and village must help and support the children to complete the free and compulsory education. [Article 48] The local authorities must support and implement:- (a)for the completion of the identified free and compulsory education by all school going age children. [Article 49]
Current Programme and Activities Implemented in Formal and Non- formal Education Sector
Programme related to NFE:- Basic Literacy Programme Continuing Education Programme which includes income generation programme, better life programme and post literacy progarmme Non-formal Primary Education Progermme- NFPE Non-formal Middle School Education Programme-NFMSE Extended and Continuous Education and Learning Project(EXCEL)
Programme related to Formal Education:- Various Activities for Implementation of National Education Law Long Term Basic Education Development Plan EFA National Action Plan ( ) (Including: Free and Compulsory Primary Education Programme, Free Secondary Education Programme, Mobile school Programme, Post Primary School Programme, All school going age Children in School Programme, Inclusive Education Programme, …… etc.) CCA Nation wide Teacher Training Plan Quality Basic Education Programme (in collaboration with UNICEF and MDEF) Basic Education and Gender Equality Programme (In collaboration with UNICEF) Poverty alleviation and Rural Development Plan ( in collaboration with Ministry of Information) Primary Curriculum reform project (in collaboration with JICA) Secondary curriculum reform project (negotiation process with ADB and EU) Taungoo education college rehabilitation project (in collaboration with JICA) English for Education College Teachers(In collaboration with British Council) Decentralizing funding to schools project (in collaboration with world bank and AusAID).. And so on
Current Practice and Procedure for Returning Migrant Children and Youth There is no limitation for children and youth from migrant families to enroll Basic Education Schools as well as NFE related programmes such as NFPE, EXCEL etc. We have special programme to have access to basic education for Migrant children and youth. If a group of the migrant children or any one who are willing to enroll basic education schools, the local authorities and State/Regional Education Director Offices, Distract Education Offices, Township Education Offices, Respective Basic Education Schools must help to enroll in accord with current education policies.
Current Practice and Procedure for Returning Migrant Children and Youth The procedure is simple, if the migrant children and youth were learning in the MOE recognized schools, the students can directly enroll by showing the transfer certificate or pass certificate of the grade. If the students who are learning in non MOE recognized schools or non MOE non-formal learning programme, the students must set for placement test organized by schools in which the student willing to enroll. Mostly migrant children and youth are learning in non MOE recognized schools and learning institutions, so they need to set for placement test for 1 step low grade that means if the student is willing to enroll grade 6 they must be set for grade 5 placement test. If the student fail the placement test, the students can enroll in the 1 grade lower than his or her willing to enroll.(Eg, He or she will to enroll grade 6, but he or she fail placement test, he or she can enrol grade 5 instead of grade 6)
Current Practice and Procedure for Returning Migrant Children and Youth Some time we give flexibility for timeline to enroll in schools Some time we give special changes to submit application for matriculation exam directly for Migrant children and youth All Migrant children and Youth who are willing to learn in Myanmar are warmly welcome and we will make to ensure to have access not only for basic education but also in all education sectors, such as higher education and TVET sector.
Thank you for kind Attention