Standard Monte Carlo Event Samples Norman Graf SLAC November 11, 2004
Canonical “Signal” Samples Wish to establish a small set of processes which can be used to characterize the overall detector performance, optimize the designs and compare concepts. Define a set of benchmark metrics for each process. Make these samples available to the worldwide LC community.
Possible SM “Signal” Samples WW, ZZ, WW, ZZ, Zhh –dijet mass resolutions, PFA Zh –tracking resolution (recoil mass) –flavor tagging (branching fractions) qq, –dense environment PFA, dca resolution tt, tth –multijet reconstruction, flavor tagging in busy environment.
Vertexing: ( -tagging and soft lepton ID) Particle Flow: (dijet mass, b and tagging) precisely reconstruct A mass & width, (H-A splitting?) O(0.5%) required to determine CDM h 2 Tracking Momentum Resolution: Track Finding Efficiency: Beyond-SM “Signal” Samples
SM Monte Carlo Production WHIZARD Monte Carlo was used to generate all 0,2,4,6-fermion and t quark dominated 8-fermion processes (Tim Barklow) TeV & TeV have been generated so far. 100% electron and positron polarization is assumed in all event generation. Arbitrary electron, positron polarization is simulated by properly combining data sets. Fully fragmented MC data sets are produced. PYTHIA is used for final state QED & QCD parton showering, fragmentation, particle decay.
Beam-Beam Background Most beam-beam background work has focused on pairs and high-pt hadrons. –pairs studied using GuineaPig (T. Maruyama) –muons from machine backgrounds (L. Keller) Muon pairs and low-pt hadrons are also produced and perhaps these events are important for forward tracking & calorimetry. WHIZARD simulates virtual photon flux & beamstrahlung flux (CIRCE). PYTHIA is used to model low and high-pt hadronic events.
Ecm (GeV) Assume constant for