User Orientation
The iEvents site can be accessed via web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) using the URL: A system generated has been sent to you, indicating: o Site URL o Username o Default Password User will be prompted to change default password during 1 st time log-in
The Master Calendar display all events, consolidated from all the Sub- Calendars
Hover your mouse to the event to view more details
Click the event on the calendar to view more details
Click Return to return to calendar
The side bar displays the links for the sub calendars. A Unit Admin can only create an event on his/her sub calendar Click the link corresponding your units sub-calendar
A Unit Admin can only create an event on his/her sub calendar Click Add Event
Fill-out the field. Take note that fields with red asterisks are required Ticking ‘All Day Event’ means that the event can run for the entire day (or no definite start or end) The system will also check if there are any events on the same date and/or time that you are creating
Enter other details on the text editor box Click UPDATE to save your event Leave as Blank if no volunteer is required
Click Edit to edit the event. You can only delete from your unit sub- calendar
Tick the box corresponding the Execom you wish to require attendance. Please take note that if the Execom already has confirmed his/her attandance, he may not be unchecked
Events which require execom attendance has a red-line above its title
An Execom and his/her EA will see the invitation accept button and the status of other attendees. Status include ‘No response Yet’, ‘Accepted’ or ‘Declined’ Charo Santos-Concio | Accepted Carlo Katigbak | No Response Yet August Benitez | Declined
After the event date has lapsed, event owner should update the event to Completed (or Cancelled) If the event is completed, he/she should enter number of attendees
Click Delete to delete the event. You can only delete from your unit sub- calendar
The Calendar can also be printed by clicking the Printer Icon below the corresponding calendar
Clicking the number 7 icon displays the week view of the calendar
Click the Annual tab above to see Annual View
Thank Y u