Doses and bunch by bunch fluctuations in BeamCal at the ILC Eliza Teodorescu FCAL Collaboration Meeting June 29-30, 2009, DESY-Zeuthen, Germany
RiRi RoRo ReRe 30 X 0 Suport tube (Iron) Absorber (W) Electronics Sensor Dead Area R To R i = 20 mm R 0 = 150 mm R e = 50 mm R Ti = 200 mm R To = 250 mm sandwich em. calorimeter : 30 layers of 1 X 0 3.5mm W + 0.3mm sensor ~ channels of ~0.8 R M ~ 20mm < R < 150mm (200 electronics 250 suport tube) each sensor layer divided into 8 sectors BeamCal R Ti
Simulate Collision: Guineapig (nominal parameter set) e+e- pairs ASCII File Simulate detector: BeCaS1.2 ROOT file BeCaS A Geant4 BeamCal simulation (A.Sapronov) Can be configured to run with: OUTPUT full GEANT4 simulation => energy, particle distributions … INPUT OUTPUT The simulation chain different crossing angles (corresponding geometry is chosen): here: 14 mrad magnetic field (solenoid, (Anti) DID, use field map): here: Anti DID
energy deposition vs. calorimeter depth: - the maximum of the shower in the 5 th and 6 th layers, ~30 GeV/bx - Edep < 5 GeV/bx in the first sensor layer and in the second half of BeamCal Electron-positron background 5 BX1 BX
Energy depositions along the sensor’s radius (layer 6) -statistics of 5 bunch-crossings -most of the energy is deposited in the innermost region of the sensor, then gradually decreases toward the outer radii - energy deposition decreases to less than 1% at a radius of about 80 mm - less than 0.1% at 100 mm Electron-positron background 5 BX
the absorbed dose in the sensor layers e+e- DOSE 3x10^11 BX/year 5 BX
The dose at different distances from the beampipe Closest to the beampipe : dose vs. layer number distribution : - the dose rises from 4x10^5 Gy/year (first layer) to 6x10^6 Gy/year (maximum), then slowly decreases to less than 2x10^4 Gy/year in the last layers of BeamCal. e+e- DOSE 4x10 5 Gy/year (front) 6x10 6 Gy/year (max) 2x10 4 Gy/year (back) R = 20 mm-28 mm 5 BX
Increase in the dose toward the final layers of BeamCal e+e- DOSE 2 causes: - natural developement of the shower - backscattered particles (from QD0) The innermost rings of the sensors are most affected R = 150 mm-158 mm R = 100 mm-108 mm The dose at different distances from the beampipe 5 BX
- remove QD0 from simulation: dose slowly decreases e+e- DOSE R = 100 mmR = 150 mm 5 BX
Bunch by bunch fluctuations Christian Grah Energy deposition and standard deviation for the whole calorimeter - one BX -closest to the beampipe – highest energy deposition ( ~10 MeV/pad) - for the outer pads ~keV - there are pads with no energy deposition each pad – independently read -> interesting to see how energy deposition fluctuates from bunch to bunch, in each pad For this: (r, ) energy distributions First: one BX (comparison with older results provided by Ch. Grah) 1 BX
Bunch by bunch fluctuations 40 BX - Simulate more bunch crossings and find the medium energy deposition - In this case: N=40 BX - Calculate the standard deviation: Energy deposition: tens of MeV – innermost pads keV – rest of the pads 0.1 MeV – innermost pads KeV – rest of the pads Mean E dep What happens for more bunches?
Bunch by bunch fluctuations Energy deposition for a single high energetic electron GeV initial energy - hits the first layer of BeamCal
Layer 6 Layer 12 Layer 25 E tot = GeVE tot = 2.9x10-5 GeVE tot = GeV Bunch by bunch fluctuations Shower development throughout the calorimeter – 250 GeV electron
Bunch by bunch fluctuations Superimpose the high energetic electron over the backgroud
Layer 6Layer 12 Bunch by bunch fluctuations All BX Typical layer of average background with high energetic electron Typical layer of background standard deviation with high energetic electron
The distribution of the average deposited energy and standard deviation in a pad (layer 12)
Thank you!