Week No.PhotoTask/ Step/ ProcessEvaluationQuality Control Positive (WWW)Areas for Improvement (EBI) Making Diary
Week No: Photo Task/ Step/ Process Evalu ation Positive (WWW) Areas for Improveme nt (EBI) Quality Control Making Diary
Week No. PhotoTask/ Step/ Process Evaluation Quality Control Positive (WWW)Areas for Improvement (EBI) 1 The first task is using 2d design It was a simple net which meant it was easy and quick to do on computer. It was hard to tell what were fold lines and what were dotted, this meant that if people wanted to use the net they may find it confusing and cut the wrong lines making the net not work properly. I could improve this step by making sure that I change the cut lines red so that it is easy to see which is which. 2D Software because it is a computer system this makes it accurate and professional 2 The next task is cutting out the net and put it together (using sticky tape) The net was quite sturdy. And had no gaps in the outcome. It was simple and quick to build which will held the buyer when making it. This was a long process because my net was bigger than one a3 sheet which meant i had to stick a few pieces of A3 together to make the net. This meant there were a few mistake as sometimes it was uneven. Next time I will use a bigger printer maybe A2 printer to print my net on one sheet meaning I would not be wasting time sticking sheets together. Next time I would also make my tabs longer because they where very fiddly to use making it hard to put it all together. For a neat the well cut edge I was a safety rule and Stanley knife. I made sure the knife was sharp so it could cut easily. 3 Then i made the graphics for each face of the net using a Cad software called Photoshop. I printed these slides out using a printer. Next i used a guillotine and scalpel to cut out the different graphics. This process went quite well because I managed to make the images on Photoshop in a way that accurately represented the original designs I made. Also, the images I made were quite high quality, giving the final product a professional and appealing look. I managed to fit on all of the information which I needed to fit on as well, which meant that my product was successful. The guillotine and scalpel make either straight or accurate cuts, giving the graphics a professional sharp edge. Because I only had access to an A3 printer, some faces of the board game had to be printed out on 2 separate A3 sheets as they were too big to fit on one A3 sheet. This used a lot of paper, which is costly, and meant that my final product would look less professional. Also, because of human error, the guillotine and scalpel would either cut the graphics to small or too big, meaning that when I would eventually stick them onto my net, they would not fit perfectly, therefore making the product look less professional. If I were to do it again, I may add excess image to each graphic, meaning that I would have room for error in my cutting. Photoshop means that the resolution and graphics are of good quality. Making Diary