Temperature and fish community in the Cantabrian Sea Punzón, A, López-López, L., González-Irusta, JM, Tel, E., Preciado, I., Hidalgo, M., Serrano, A.,


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Presentation transcript:

Temperature and fish community in the Cantabrian Sea Punzón, A, López-López, L., González-Irusta, JM, Tel, E., Preciado, I., Hidalgo, M., Serrano, A., Sánchez, F., Velasco, F., Blanco, M., Ruiz, S., Zapico, O. and Massuti, E. CLIFISH PN I+D+I (MINECO/FEDER) ERDEM (IEO) Porto, 5-9 Septiembre 2016

Contents XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto Climate changes effects on demersal fishThe case of the Cantabrian seaHypothesisMaterial and MethodsResults & Tentative Conclusions

Climate change in Notheast Atlantic XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto Tasker et al., 2008 (ICES Cooperative Research Report) Sea surface temperature (SST), showing the mean for 2003–2007 minus the 1978–1982 mean. The plots are based on NOAA NCDC ERSST version 2, which is an extended reconstruction of global SST data based on ICOADS (Worley et al., 2005) monthly summary trimmed group data (

Effect of Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Fossheim et al., 2015 (Nature Climate change) XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto Distributional changes of fish communities from 2004 to Centre of distribution (circle: 2004, square: 2012) and track line for dierent communities

Effect of Climate Change in the North Sea Perry et al., 2005 (Science) Examples of North Sea fish distributions that have shifted north with climatic warming. Relationships between mean latitude and 5-year running mean winter bottom temperature for (A) cod, (B) anglerfish, and (C) snake blenny are shown. In (D), ranges of shifts in mean latitude are shown for (A), (B), and (C) within the North Sea. Bars on the map illustrate only shift ranges of mean latitudes, not longitudes. Arrows indicate where shifts have been significant over time, with the direction of movement XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto

Background: Cantabrian Sea A. Punzón A. Serrano, F. Sánchez, F. Velasco, I. Preciado, J.M. González-Irusta, L. López-López, Response of a temperate demersal fish community to global warming. Journal of Marne System Sampling square with significative changes in Richness From the total of species were selected 71 species (only those species which were identified at least in 30 samples) XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto

Changes in the distribution (1 sp) XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto

Frecuency of Occurrence (FO): trends by specie

Frecuency of Occurrence (FO) trends by specie % of species (71 sps) with significative changes in FO Biogeographical affinities 1 African 37 Lusitanian XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto

Meridionalization of the Cantabrian Sea Meridionalization: When an increase in the abundance of native fauna with southern affinities occurs Tropicalization: When an increase in the abundance of non- native species with tropical or sub-tropical affinities takes place 37 WITH LUSITANIAN AFFINITIES INCREASE fo & Ab 1 with african affinities increase fo & Ab XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto CIESM, 2008 (CIESM Workshop Monographs)

Hypothesis If changes are occurring in the common species that inhabit the study area (ΔFO & ΔAb), it should lead to changes in the demersal fish assemblage And if these changes are due to temperature, these changes should have a similar spatio-temporal structure of the temperature in the study area XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto

Material and Methods

Data Sources International Bottom Trawl Surveys Time Series: 1983:2015 Season: ~ 15 Sept-25 October Stratified Random Sampling by Geographical Sector by Depth Strata ~120 Samplings (otter trawl) by year CTD by haul ( ) Species Selection: 71 sps XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto

MTC: Mean temperature of the catch Inspired by Cheung et al, 2013 (Nature) & Collie et al., 2008 (Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences) XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto MTC: Evaluate the changes in fish assemblages related to temperature Phycis blennoides

MTC: Mean temperature of the catch = Mean Temperature of sp i MTC s = mean temperature of the catch sample/haul s Ab i = Abundance sp i XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto

Statistical analysis Spatial InterpolationData Interpolating Variational Analysis (Diva)Time series analysis of the MTCGeneral Additive Models (GAM)Time series analysis of the MTC by sample stationNested General Linear Model (GLMn) XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto


Temperature in study area Gil & Sánchez 2003 (ICES Marine Science Symposia) Ruiz-Villarreal et al., 2006 (Marine Pollution Bulletin) Autunm-Winter (SW Wind) Poleward slope current (warm) Spring-Summer (NE Wind) Coastal Upwelling Oceanographic scenario during survey XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto

Depth strata MTC by geographical sector and depth strata CTD Data (50m) Geographical sector XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto

MTC by depth strata and geographical sector XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto

Spatial distribution of MTC MTC Mean of time series by sampling station XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto

Time series of temperature in study area González-Pola et al., 2005 (Journal of Geophysical Research) Time Series of temperature of intermediate water masses XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto

Time series of temperature in study area Sea Surface Temperature (SST): NOAA Optimum Interpolation (OI) SST V2 NCEP Climate Modeling Branch/National Centers for Environmental Prediction XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto

Temporal trend of MTC sampling stations Temporal Trend in sampling stations (only statistically significant trends)

Temporal trend of MTC by geographical sector XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto

Temporal trend of MTC in the study area XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto

Provisional conclusions There are a relationship between MTC and the temperature at the different spatial levels. The temporal trend in MTC and temperature are similar Increase the contribution of the temperate species to the demersal fish assemblages The MTC could be a good tool to track the effect of the temperature on the fish assemblage XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies, Porto

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