What is the best pet in 5/6pt ? By jordan and Kristian
Cats kristian is reading 1. Cats have very good eyesight allowing them to see at light levels six times lower than what a human sees. 2. Cats also have very good hearing. 3. Cats are good at getting rid of rats and mice. 4. When a cat chases its prey, it keeps its head level. Dogs and humans bob their heads up and down.Dogshumans 5. A cat's fastest speed is 49K over a small distance. 6. On average, cats spend 2/3 of every day sleeping. 7. Cats make about 100 different sounds. 8. A group of cats is called a clowder. 9. Female cats tend to be right pawed. 10. A cat can jump up to five times its own height in a single bound.
Pictures of cats
Dog jordan is reading 1. Dogs have 1,700 taste buds on their tongue. 2. Dogs can only see in black and white. 3. Dogs are very smart at listening like sitting % of dog owners believe their dog can tell when a storm is on its way. 5. Dogs only have sweat glands in their paws. 6. Your dog can smell your feelings. 7. Human and dogs are really good friends. 8. Dogs curl up in a ball when they sleep 9. There are more than a 12 separate muscles that control a dog’s ear movements. 10. There are hundreds of dog breeds in the world.
Pictures of dogs
Rabbits kristian is reading 1. Rabbits can be easily trained with using their litter tray. 2. Rabbits are a very clean animal. 3. Rabbits have good night vision. 4. Rabbits can jump up to 1 meter high and 3 meters long 5. Rabbits sleep up to 8 hours a week. 6. A rabbit has 28 teeth. 7. Each litter has babies. 8. Rabbits teeth never stop growing. 9. Rabbits are born with their eyes closed and no fur. 10. Rabbits live in meadows, woods, forests, grasslands, deserts and wetlands.
Pictures of rabbits
Guinea pigs jordan is reading 1. Guinea pigs love people holding them but they can if they get very scared. 2. Guinea pigs eat grass,guinea pig food and pellets. 3. A guinea pig can run up to 31km an hour. 4. Guinea pigs are one of the smartest animals. 5. You can teach a guinea pig many things. 6. Guinea pigs will eat all day and night. 7. Guinea pigs are not actually pigs. They are rodents. 8. A baby guinea pig is called a pup. 9. Guinea pigs ears are very sensitive to loud bangs. 10. Guinea pigs have a total of 258 bones in there body.
Pictures of Guinea pigs
Birds/Budgies kristian is reading 1. Birds lay eggs and they are warm blooded. 2. Scientist believed that birds evolved from theropods dinosaurs. 3. The only normal color for Budgies is green. 4. They are easy to train. 5. They are very smart 6. There are 10,000 different species of birds worldwide. 7. Birds have hollow bones. 8. Around 20% of birds species migrate long distances every year. 9. The chicken is the most common species of birds. 10. Some birds are smart enough to use tools.
Pictures of birds
Cost jordan is reading CatsdogsGuinea pigrabbitsBudgie (bird) Cost to buy$100 - $200$300 - $1000$30$70$20 Cost for food and other, per year. $1,440$1,877$900$750$655 Total$1,590$1,977$930$820$675
How long they live for? kristian is reading Guinea pigCatdogBudgie (bird)rabbits 8 years15 years Budgie years 8-12 years
The best pet is! Jordan is reading The best pet is a dog 1st Dogs with 15 votes 2nd Cats with 5 votes 3rd guinea pigs 3 with votes 4th Rabbits with 0 votes 5th Birds with 0 votes
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